86: castiel

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Cas looked at the grass with an utter despise.

Stupid grass.

The sun shone down on his face, making him squint to see Anna who was only two feet in front of him.

Stupid sun.

He had just buried his brother, why were the birds singing?!

Stupid birds.

Stupid everything.

Everything sucked. Why was the weather so beautiful when he was dying inside? Why didn't everything else share his pain? It wasn't fair.

He watched as Gabriel spoke with some of his distant relatives next to the flowers they had on his casket. He was so easy with words. Gabriel and Michael always did have a talent for talking with people. Anna was good at bitching at them. And Castiel was good at making them awkwardly uncomfortable. Perfect balance.

Anna stood back from the family with Castiel. They both knew they'd get in trouble if they said the wrong thing to the wrong person, especially since it was the wrong time.

But there was one person he didn't see out in the crowd.

His mother.

"Where's mom?" Castiel mumbled down to his sister.

"I don't know..." She replied in question, scanning through the mob of people in black.

Then Castiel felt a hand on his shoulder. But it didn't give him warmth, it didn't leave him with reassurance. It was harsh. He knew who's it was.

"Castiel." The voice stated.

"Naomi." Cas grumbled, turning around to face his mother dead in the eye.

"Please be mindful of your tone. Your brother wouldn't appreciate seeing you like this." She swiped a piece of hair away from her face.

"My apologies, mother." He sarcastically said back.

She cleared her voice and broadened her shoulders before she began to talk. Castiel was sure there was a lecture coming.

"I know you and I haven't been on the best terms lately..."

"That's an understatement." He whispered.

"But... you were very close with Michael. And I know he would strongly disagree with me if I did this any other way so here it goes." She sighed and pulled out an envelope from behind her back. "This was addressed to you. I haven't opened it. I figured you should be the one to do so."

Castiel slowly removed the envelope from his mothers hands and turned it over. He weighed the contents. It seemed to have something inside of it besides paper and it led Castiel to be curious as to what it held.

"Also... your brother... unfortunately just purchased a new car. He bought it two weeks ago. He was so excited to you show you have no idea. Saved up for a long time too. It's quite unfortunate."

"Oh... thats... awful..."

"It's yours." She stated before Cas could finish his sentence.


"You're the only one he would trust. And... you would be next in line for a car anyways."

"Woah, hold up... did you just give him Michaels car? Just like that?" Anna butted in.

She took a deep breath and then sighed. "Yes."

"That is so unfair." His sister grumbled.

"The keys are at Lily's. He had it parked in her garage over the weekend of... well you know... there's a spare key under the doormat. Go get it whenever you please." She waved her hand in a frantic like motion.

"Thank you." Castiel looked up to her.

"It wasn't me. It was your brother." And with that she began to walk away.

Castiel watched as she walked away in disbelief. She hated him with everything in her being, and she just gave him Michael's prized possession?

"Did she really just..." Anna stuttered.

"Yeah." Cas sighed.


"She must be feeling sick." He added with a shoulder shrug.

"I'm going to go try not to piss anyone off, and say bye to Aunt Rachel." Anna finger gunned at him.

"I gotta go talk to Gabe anyways. Don't say anything cringey."

"Kay." She mumbled as she turned to walk away.

Castiel watched the grass smush under her feet and then looked back to the envelope in his hands.

He wondered what was inside it, but figured he should probably wait until he got back to Dean's so he could open it by himself.

Cas sighed and tilted his head up towards the sun. It was warm and refreshing against his face. The feeling alone almost distracted him from the feeling of dried tears on his cheeks.

His eyes closed as he embraced the sun with a small frown.

Why did it have to be Michael?

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