82: castiel

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"I miss you so much. The apartment isn't the same without you."

"Dean I've only been gone four days." Cas smiled, shifting his phone from one side of the face to the other.

He held his phone against his face with his shoulder as he opened the door to the passenger side of Gabriel's car. In the back seat, two of his cousins, Daniel and Rachel, were staring out the window and mumbling something to each other that Castiel couldn't hear through the glass.

"Gabriel give me back my fucking phone!" Anna demanded as she ran across the yard of almost perfectly green grass without shoes on.

"Who is that?" Dean asked laughing on the other line.

"That's my lovely sister. I'm surprised you can hear that." Castiel said as he turned around and put his hands out, motioning for them to shut up.

"Anna Novak, if I hear that language come out of your mouth again you won't have a phone." Their mother scolded from the front porch where she was locking the door they had all come out of.

"Hey Dean, I gotta go my moms out here." He rushed out as he fumbled with the door handle.

"Alright bye angel."

Castiel brought the phone down from his face in a hurry and stuffed it away in his back pocket. His mother was motioning her keys to unlock her new Audi and Castiel couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously as he witnessed her success in life, while still being a bitter unsuccessful mother.

"Can I ride with you Gabe? Mom has shit taste in music." Anna mumbled as Gabriel started walking slowly towards the car with Anna's phone in hand.

"Uh I mean I guess. You're in the back though." He smirked holding out her phone to her.

"What! Why?"

"You know Cassie gets first dibs."

Castiel smiled as he opened the passenger door, making himself look as suave as possible as he ducked down into the car.

Anna slid in the backseat next to Rachel and started grumbling something about never getting what she wants, which made Castiel roll his eyes at her complete and utter obliviousness.

"Does anyone know how to get there?" Gabriel mumbled as he closed his door.

"It's that one we used to pretend we were ghosts at as kids." Daniel mumbled from the back.

"Oh." Gabe started the car. "Now I feel a little bad about that."

"Can we listen to that new Taylor Swift album?" Rachel piped in leaning up front as she looked over at Gabriel.

"Do I look like I listen to that mainstream pop shit?"

"It's not that bad!" Anna rebutted.

"Yeah... no." Gabriel shook his head dramatically.

"Have you heard EDEN's new album yet?" Castiel looked over to his brother.

"I've been meaning too but I've been caught up in Alt-J lately."

"Where's the aux?" The younger Novak brother shrugged his shoulders.

"In the glovebox."

"What?! Come on!" Anna pouted.

"Gabeeee..." Rachel whined along with her.

"Sorry kiddo. Tay's not my taste."

Castiel smirked as he pulled the black cord out from the glove box and dangled it in front of Anna's face.

"You piece of shit." She grumbled.

"Guess it runs in the family." He whispered back.

Gabriel followed their moms car out of the driveway, causing Castiel to look back towards the front.

"You guys are weird." Daniel mumbled from the back.

"Well guess what?" Gabe started. "You're related!"

"Unfortunately." He stared out the window.

"It's not that bad." Castiel smiled plugging in his phone.

"Says the weirdest one of us all..." Anna rolled her eyes.

"Anna..." Gabriel warned.

"Relax. I'm not gonna say anything else." She looked out the window.

"Say what?" Rachel chimed in.

"Nothing Rachel. Go back to playing Candy Crush." Gabriel rolled his eyes as they stopped at an intersection.

"Uh actually, it's 2048."

"Uh actually, I really don't care." Gabe mocked her.

"Gabe..." Cas hit him on the shoulder. "Be nice."

"Are you gonna play the album or what?" He retorted moving his eyes down to Castiel's phone, obviously trying to change the subject.

"Yeah... yeah sorry." The blue eyed boy picked up his phone and fumbled through his library.

And with that he put Vertigo on shuffle and listened as Wings began.

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