61: castiel

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"So Kevin..." Sam waved his fork over to his best friend.

"Oh no, not another." He laughed

"How's your girlfriend doing?"

Jess laughed when Kevin choked on his water, and Charlie over dramatically smacked him on the back a few times, making him laugh and cough at the same time.

Castiel watched it all unfold with a smile. He loved the feeling of seeing all of Sam—and what he assumed were also Dean's—friends just having a good time. It had been awhile since Cas could remember actually hanging out with someone other than his brothers, but being around Dean exposed him to new people. New, happier people, who he needed badly in his life right now.

"She's uh she's good. We're not at the Charlie and Dorothy stage yet but like... yeah no we don't even compare."

Charlie laughed and kicked him under the table. Castiel felt it when the table leg next to him hit his leg.

Beside him, Dean picked his beer up from the table and Castiel watched as he brought it up to his lips, wishing for a second he could reach over and replace the glass. His soft lipped boyfriend sighed as he set it back down on the table and picked his fork back up from his plate.

"So what are you up to these days?" John directed his attention at Dean.

"Um well he's working at Bobby's and he does some awesome detail work, you should've seen the car he was working on last weekend, 1970's Mustang I think." Castiel piped in for him. "Anyways it was really cool. He did an awesome job on it."

Dean nodded his head and pretended like he had a mouth full of food.

"Hmm." John looked at Cas, and then back to Dean. "So who are you?"

"I... um..." Cas didn't expect to have to answer anything about himself. Somehow gloating about Dean seemed to come easier than talking about himself.

"Castiel." Was all he could manage to utter.

"Castiel..." The eldest Winchester drew out in one breath. "Never heard that one before."

"It's um angelic, a play off of Cassiel. My mother is a very religious person."

"I never knew that." Dean mumbled quietly so that only Castiel could hear.

"Well now you do." Cas smiled over at Dean, momentarily locking eyes with the captivating ones of the perfect human being in front of him.

"Oh, so he speaks." John leaned forward in his chair.

Cas watched as Dean's eyes darted away from him immediately and settled on a plate in the middle of the table.

Sam and Jess fidgeted on the other side of the table as Kevin got up from the table to go refill his cup.

Dean looked back down into his lap and picked at the hem of his jeans nervously.

Castiel saw him fidgeting and reached over from under the table and grabbed his hand. Dean looked over at Castiel with a "save me" look as he squeezed his hand back harder.

"So how's Lisa?" John asked pulling his beer bottle up to his lips.

Castiel looked from Dean to John, and then back to Dean. He was going to open his mouth to say something when Dean muttered a barely audible response.

"She's fine."

"Well that's good. I always liked her. Are you two dating yet?"

Dean took a deep breath and in return Castiel rubbed his thumb over Dean's knuckles, which were nearly white from holding on so hard.

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