109: dean

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"Okay, that was really weird... what the hell?" Dean said as the front door closed behind Chuck.

"I'm sorry... He tends to show up when we least expect him... and always when we don't need him to. Heaven forbid he actually be here when we do..." Castiel said grabbing the apple off the table.

"He's really... interesting?" Dean questioned, not really knowing how Castiel felt about his father.

"More like enigmatic."

"I could see that."

"He's always been a mystery to me. It's like he's here, but he's also not. He tries to be a father, but he sucks at it. It's like he does everything behind the scenes, and no one ever knows where he is, or what he's doing."

"Sounds a little like my dad." Dean said quietly, reminiscing on what little of his childhood he could remember his father being part in.

"Yeah except your dad is a dick." Castiel said taking a bite of the apple in his hand.

Dean should've protested something about Cas saying something like that about his family, but the truth was he didn't care. Could he even consider John family? Bobby was the only true father he ever had. It's not like Cas was wrong. His dad was a dick.

"He said he went to go see Michael." Dean mentioned awkwardly.

"Did he?"

"Apparently. He doesn't really seem careless you know? It seems like he actually loves you guys, he's just really bad at showing it."

"Maybe. I don't really care... I try not to think about it anyways. Can we go eat now?" Castiel said urgently as he started to get up from the couch.

"Woah woah, really? Maybe we should stay in." Dean started standing up too, trying to see if Cas was actually okay to stand up on his own without falling back down.

"Just because my dad shows up and I pass out or whatever, doesn't mean that I'm not still hungry, and you promised me dinner." Cas pointed to him as he stood completely up.

"Um, alright. Okay. You're not driving though."

"I never do anyways."

"Ehhhh...." Dean stretched out, thinking about all the times Castiel had actually driven them somewhere which was like... twice.


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