80: castiel

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"Who is impala67?" Anna tossed the phone to Cas, mocking the username illustrated on the screen.

"Oh what. That's nothing. Just a classmate." Castiel said setting his phone face down on his leg. "And what were you doing looking at my phone? You know better."

"Like I said before... have you met me? Total snoop." She said pulling on the rail at the stairs. "Must be a special kind of class then."


"Normal classmates don't say 'I love you' to each other."

"Um, yes they do."

"Your college is weird then. Most of the time I hear 'fuck offs' and 'stupid bitch' in the hallways not 'I love you's' and 'goodnight angel'"

"Well like you said... fuck off Anna."

"Touché." She said sliding down slowly onto the last stair. "But I'm not leaving until you tell me something. Come on, don't leave me hanging."

"Why would you think I would trust you with this? Especially this."

"Oh come on! Not even a name!"

"Especially not a name!" Castiel shook his head while staring up at the ceiling.

He traced the white paint patterns on the ceiling, where little bumps were more textured than the others. There was no real rhythm to it, it's just like someone was like 'hey this can't all be flat!' and decided to put some ridges into it.

"I'll give you three questions." Cas sighed closing his eyes.

"Yesssss." Anna exhaled, fidgeting on the step. "Okay... what is... hmm... his last name?"

"No. Too distinguishable."

"Oh come on, I just want to know if my brothers's next name is gonna look good on paper."

"Shut up." Castiel threw a goldfish at her.

"Whatever... I guess... where is he from?"


"Kansas?" She said, almost surprised.

"Yes, dumbass."

"So like, we literally could've already met him before."

"Could've... yes. But I assure you, you haven't."

"Okay... well... does he have any younger siblings?" Anna smirked.

"Yes. Oh, and he's engaged."

"Why are the siblings always taken?!"

"You've got one question left missy."

"Can we make it 5?"


"Pleaseeeeee... I'll let you eat my mint chip in the freezer."

"Hmmm... hard pass."

"And I'll get you another at the store!" She pleaded.

"Fine." Castiel sighed.

"What's his favorite place to eat?"

"Not red lobster." He laughed a little thinking about how much Dean must've been tortured at the proposal dinner.

"Okay, well that only narrows it down to like a million other places."

"Oh well."

"What does he smell like?"

"Umm... pine trees with a hint of gunpowder and old leather."

"That's a weird combination." Anna said raising her eyebrows.

"That's a weird question." Castiel shrugged his shoulders. "You only have one left, be careful."

"I know, I know let me think." She said staring up at the ceiling.

She sat there for a lot longer than Castiel would've expected. He thought she would ask another stupid question like "what color is his hair" but instead she spoke softly to herself, finding the words that she meant to say.

"What do you love the most about him?"

"I...well..." Cas fumbled for a second actually thinking about what to respond.

Dean was perfect. What wasn't there to love?

"He's got a lot to love. He's perfect. I mean he's got these beautiful smiling green eyes that I could stare into all day long and... and this smile that goes with them, like it's picture perfect. And there's this thing he does where we'll be driving down the road in his old impala and some song that our dad probably grew up listening to will come on the radio, and he just sings along at the top of his lungs, and he expects me to sing with him. He actually gets kind of disappointed when I tell him I've never heard it before."

Castiel laughed to himself, closing his eyes to picture Dean's face.

"He also loves pie."

"Pie?" Anna laughed.

"It's like a slice of his soul. Every time we go out to dinner he has to get pie... and when they don't have it he gets all sad, and has to stop at this little diner he loves to get some on the way home. Personally, I think if he could be in a relationship with pie, he would ditch me in a heartbeat."

Castiel opened his eyes to see his sister smiling at him on the stairs. Her head was leaned over on the wall and her red hair was hanging down in front of her face.

"He sounds pretty cool." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"He is." Cas smiled thinking about how Dean's energetic personality.

He wished Dean could be there right beside him.

But... certain circumstances prevented that from happening.


"Ooh I think I just heard a car door someone must be home!" Anna sat up abruptly.

"Tell Gabe I want to talk to him tomorrow. I'm going to bed." Castiel said placing his bowl onto the glass coffee table, and pulling the blanket closer into him, holding it like a cape.

"Whatcha talking about?" She stood up, pulling on the rail.

"Bye Anna." Castiel grinned leaning over to the lamp and clicking the switch off.

"Now I cant see you little shit." She cursed in the dark as she stomped her way up the stairs.

"Love you too." He called out after her.

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