105: dean

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Dean hadn't realized he fell asleep on the couch until the morning rays shining in from the kitchen window shown through his eyelids.

As he fluttered them opened, he noticed a shadow cast on his face from something blocking him from the sun.

He opened one eye cautiously, only to be met with his boyfriend standing there staring at him.

"Shit." He jolted himself awake, jumping back into the couch.

Castiel shared a small grin on his face, Dean thought he looked rather cocky standing there with his smug little expression.

"What the hell Cas?" He mumbled pulling himself into an upright position.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"What?" Dean shook his head confused.

"Why did I wake up to an empty bed?" Castiel looked at Dean with disappointment.

"Um... nothing. I uh..."

"That's not really an answer suitable for my question..." He tilted his head. "Are you mad at me?"

"Um... no."

"Whatever. I have to go to class. See you later?"

Dean nodded his head, looking up to his boyfriend confused. He started getting up from the couch, followed by a throbbing pain in his skull.

"Yeah... yeah... Cas, wait..." Dean reached out to him as he grimaced from the pain in his head.


"I love you." He whispered grabbing ahold of his hand. "Dinner... later?"

"Yeah." Castiel smiled softly. "I have to go. Love you too."

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