106: castiel

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"Dean! Dean! Dean! Guess what?" Castiel yelled as he slid over the kitchen floor once he got back from his last class.

"What?" Dean peeped his head out from around the corner of the fridge.

"I didn't fail my paper on graphical analysis."

"That's great Cas." Dean smiled as he started walking into the kitchen. "You know what that means?"


"You're all caught up." Dean weaved his arms around Castiel's waist. "So... now you can just relax this weekend, like promised."

"I almost forgot about that." Castiel's eyes beamed as he looked up into Dean's.

"I didn't." Dean leaned down and kissed him softly. "You need the break, angel."

"Okay, but first you promised me dinner and I'm fucking starving so let's go." Castiel laughed as Dean smiled.

"Alright. Alright."

Dean let go of Cas, unraveling his hands from behind his back. Castiel missed the touch almost as soon as it left, but he knew if he wouldn't have been an ass about it they would've never left the apartment.

Cas still wore the smile on his lips as he scuttled across the floor to grab his phone from off the counter.

He unlocked his phone to check on an email notification he had seen from his professor on the way home, when the sound of knocking came from the door.

"Is someone coming over?" He looked up at Dean.

"No, I don't think so." Dean started walking towards the door. "Probably just Lisa."

Castiel started walking out of the kitchen to follow Dean into the living room when he heard the lock being taken down.

"Um... hi." Dean said curiously.

"Hello. I'm looking for Castiel Novak... Gabriel told me I might find him here."

Castiel listened to the voice as his heart rate sped up inside his chest. He recognized it so distinctly that it almost seemed impossible to be true. The next thing he knew he was practically running across the floor to look at the door.

The short man he saw standing on the other side of Dean immediately confirmed his understanding.

Why the fuck is he here?

How did he find me?

Oh my god, what am I going to do?!

Castiel swallowed thickly as he stopped in his tracks.


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