64: dean+castiel

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After Dean was done texting Sam, he put his phone back down on the kitchen counter and turned to start a pot of coffee. He heard footsteps lightly on the hardwood and smiled knowing that his angel was awake.

"Dean would you mind if I went to Gabe's after class today?"

"I'm not the boss of you Cas, do whatever you want." Dean said placing the pot into the machine.

Cas turned the corner of the kitchen and Dean looked up from the coffee pot to face his boyfriend, who was currently wearing nothing but the gray shirt and boxers that he threw on the floor last night.

"I know, I just thought maybe you had some plans for..."

"Oh my god."

"What?" Castiel rubbed his eyes.

"You are looking especially hot this morning."

"Shut up." He yawned leaning over on the counter.

"Make me." Dean said stepping closer towards where Cas was standing.


Dean wrapped his hands around Castiel's waist and pulled him forward against his torso as the shorter slowly snaked his arms up around Dean's neck. Cas pulled his head forward and planted a short kiss on his lips before pulling away with a smile.

"Go make coffee, I need to go." He said pushing a strand of hair away from Dean's forehead.

"So demanding you are." Dean smirked as he unwrapped himself from his pouty boyfriend.

"Hey, you're lucky to not have class first session. I would die for those extra minutes of sleep."

"Doesn't really matter much, I'm always awake early for you anyways."

Dean walked back over to the coffee machine and pressed the start button, waiting until he started to hear the water running before turning back around to face Cas.

"So why are you going to Gabe's? Done with me already?" He crossed his arms across his chest, his shirt pulling tightly on his upper arm muscles making Castiel take a minute before he responded.

"No... No I'll be back later tonight. I was just gonna stop and see him for a minute, it's been awhile, hopefully he'll be home." He mumbled clicking a pen that was left on the counter from the essay he was writing yesterday morning.

"Ah. Okay. Do you need a ride?"

"No. I'll just walk. It's not that far."

Castiel looked down at the counter and then grabbed his phone that he had left out here when they got home last night. He turned on the screen and went through the very few notifications that he had, mostly just texts from a few of his calculus classmates asking for answers. He took a deep breath before he backed out of his texts and went over to his messaging app.

"You okay Cas?" Dean said getting cups out of the cabinet above him.


"Are you okay? You just turned down a ride, you're voluntarily going to hang out with Gabriel, and you haven't asked me where I hid the donuts yet."

"Um. Yeah... yeah I'm fine." He looked up briefly from his phone, just to turn his attention back down at it.

"No you're not." Dean said leaning over on the counter in front of Cas. "What's bugging you?"



Castiel closed his eyes, trying not to notice the worry in Dean's expression.

Maybe he actually did care for him.


"Dean... I'm just going to Gabe's I promise."

"I don't care where you go, or what you do, I care about you."

"Dean. I'm fine." Castiel snapped at him, a little harsher than he would've liked.

"Okay..." Dean backed up from the counter. "Okay. Sorry."

Castiel felt bad, but he didn't know what to say. Instead he turned his attention back towards his phone screen and tapped on the last conversation with his brother, consisting of texts from earlier this morning when he was standing in the kitchen at 3am eating a bowl of cereal.

gAbRiEl: dude I need to talk to you asap

cassiopeia: what do you want gabriel I'm not writing your philosophy paper again

gAbRiEl: no im serious castiel

gAbRiEl: can you stop by tomorrow

gAbRiEl: I need to talk to you about something

cassiopeia: are you okay?

gAbRiEl: just promise me you'll come over

cassiopeia: yeah

cassiopeia: I'll be there after psych

gAbRiEl: love you little brother

gAbRiEl: be careful

cassiopeia: gabriel what the hell is going on? you sure you're okay?

gAbRiEl: I'll see you later castiel

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