52: dean

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As Dean made his way into the kitchen, he turned on the lights, illuminating his least favorite golden haired friend standing across from him at the counter.

"What the hell Gabriel?!" He snarled, curling his fists as his sides.

"Look, Dean, I'm sorry..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." He replied shaking his head. "Sorry doesn't even begin to cover why your little brother is in my bed in tears. Why he was cutting himself with rocks in the middle of a freezing cold river. Why he ran away to a park that's been abandoned for years because his best friend died there."


"Gabriel I don't fucking care what you have to say! Why would you tell me something like that, when you knew how much it would hurt him to remember?!" He yelled at him slamming his fist against the counter.

Gabriel jumped back in surprise, glancing at Dean with cautious curiosity.

"Excuse me?" He questioned tilting his head like Castiel. "Don't even pretend like this is all my fault. I answered the question you asked me. How was I supposed to know that you were going to bring it up to him in casual conversation?"

"You had no right to tell me in the first place! This is obviously something Cas has spent years trying to bury inside himself, just for some idiot like me go bring it all back up again!"

"I get that your mad Dean. I really do. But we have to both accept responsibility for this."

"Fuck you Gabriel." He mumbled under his breath.

"Wrong brother Dean." Gabe replied with a sly smirk.

Dean shook his head with his eyes closed.

"Is this a joke to you?" He grumbled.

"Isn't everything? I mean, have you met me?"

"Do you want to be strangled?" Dean said lifting his head back up to face the older Novak.

Gabe took a deep breath, never breaking his gaze away from Dean.

"Text me if you need anything else. I have a party to be at." He said leaving the stool he was sitting down on.

"Go figure." Dean grumbled.

"Oh and if he wakes up and doesn't know anything, don't tell him anything... I don't know, ask Michael. He's the one who always dealt with this." Gabriel waved a hand in the air dismissively as he made his way to the door.

"For a minute back there I thought you cared. I was wrong. You're a shitty brother you know." He called out as Gabriel left.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've heard that one." Dean heard as the door closed, leaving him alone in the kitchen.

Dean sighed as he came to terms with his situation. There was something so wrong about the entirety of what had happened, and he was finding it extremely hard to just blame Gabriel. If there was one correct thing that had come out of Gabe's mouth tonight it was that Dean was equally responsible. He placed his head into his hands, as he leaned up against the counter, grasping at the back of his hair line.

"I'm sorry Cas. What have I done?"

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