98: castiel

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"Whatcha drinking, Clarence?" The familiar brunette across the counter from Castiel smiled.

"Oh... um... that's not my name." Castiel mumbled, playing with the sleeves of his trench coat.

"One 'that's not my name' coming right up." She said back, starting to pour liquid out of a clear glass bottle.

She mixed a few other drinks in with it, one that Cas knew was vodka, and the other two he didn't have a clue.

She handed it over to Castiel with a smile.

"Try it."

"Oh um, I really shouldn't drink tonight. I tend to start talking when I drink..."

"Don't we all?" She laughed.

Castiel put the red cup up to his lips hesitantly and took back a drink. It tasted bitter, but also like strawberry, and maybe apple? If Cas didn't hate the taste of strong liquor so much, he would've thought it almost tasted good.

He thought about taking another drink, when he felt a hand land on his shoulder.

"Don't you know not to take drinks from strangers?" His boyfriend's bright smile appeared beside him.

"Hah hah, hello Dean." She tilted her head over giving him a sarcastic glare.

"Meg." Dean nodded towards her.

"Wanna beer?"

"Nah I'm driving." He shook his head.

"Okay suit yourself. I gotta go find my boyfriend before he starts stripping in the pool." She tapped the counter as she rolled her eyes.

"That'd be a good idea." Dean laughed putting his arm around Castiel's neck.

Cas looked over to him and smiled, holding his drink in one hand, and wrapping his free hand around Dean's waist.

"Wanna go watch the show?" Dean whispered into his ear as Meg was leaving the kitchen.

"Sure, why not?" Cas said pressing the cup up to his lips and taking a large drink that almost emptied the cup.

He placed the cup down on to the marble counter and then leaned into Dean.

"Lead the way."


"Meg darling, please chill, I've done this a hundred times." Lucifer stood at the back of the diving board, one hand on Meg's shoulder, the other holding his cup.

"Yeah, when you weren't drunk off your ass!" She yelled back.

"That's debatable..." He smiled slyly.

Castiel watched the couple argue from a few meters away, barely hearing them, but finding it hard to split his attention from them. He still couldn't believe that a girl like Meg ended up with him. He knew she had a boyfriend, but he never knew it was Lucifer, of all people.

He could feel the booze running through his veins already, Castiel was the kind of person that got very drunk very quickly, but he could feel this wasn't the case. He didn't feel like he was drunk, but his head was spinning a little and his thoughts were becoming less and less cohesive.

"What is he doing?" Dean sounded surprised, as Cas tilted his head up to look at the stars.

"Hmm?" He barely responded.


Castiel's head shot back down, darting across the faces in and around the pool. His brother was walking along the edge of the pool, getting closer and closer to where Lucifer and Meg were standing.

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