88: castiel

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"Hey Dean." Castiel said as he heard Dean pick up the phone.

"Hey angel what's up?" His boyfriends voice illuminated through the car.

"I'm on my way home, I should be back in like an hour."

"Oh good! I was getting hungry. I'll go grab some take out for when you get here."

"Yes... totally yes. I've been starving all day." Castiel whined as he passed a car on the freeway.

"How was it?" Dean asked softly.

"It was alright. It was a beautiful day. The ceremony was good. Nobody fought so I mean... better than expected. But still not great." He mumbled solemnly.


"I'll tell you more when I get home, I don't really feel like talking about it right now."

"That's alright. You don't have to tell me at all."

Castiel tapped his fingers on the wheel and let off the gas as he got trapped behind a semi.

Ahead of him, a horn was blaring, causing Cas to yell a "fuck off!" even though they weren't honking at him.

"Cas?" Dean laughed.


"What was that?"

"Some idiot doesn't know how to be patient in traffic."

"Are you driving?!" Dean asked with a tone of shock.

"Uh... yeah... Gabriel wanted to stay in town and I may have a new car... so I figured I would take myself home..."

"You got a car?"

"It was Michael's... yeah." Cas mumbled.

"Um... alright... that's cool I guess. Just be careful Cas, you haven't been on the roads lately."

"I'm fine Dean. You know I actually used to drive before I met you. However rare that was, I was pretty good at it."

"Alright well put both hands on the wheel, I'll let you go now."

"Oh you're on speaker it's fine."

"It has Bluetooth too?"

"It has a shit ton of stuff, he literally has spent every year he's had a job saving for this car Dean."

"Well alright. Just still be careful please. I need my boyfriend home in one piece."

"Yes Dean." Castiel mocked.

"Love you I'll see you in a bit. Focus on driving." Dean sighed.

"Love you too... bye."

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