71: kik- castiel

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Castiel felt bad.

He knew he was making a bad decision by inviting Dean to come meet his family like this. But telling Dean no was so hard.

He could just see it now. Ending in a disaster. His mom disappointed, his sister taking her side, all his distant family and relatives there to watch. It was an accident waiting to happen. Could Castiel take anymore of that right now? Especially now. Without Michael there to protect him, what would happen the next time he pissed mom off? Would he be shamed? Disowned? Hell, maybe murdered? He wasn't ready to face that possibility.

cassiopeia: hey dean I know you're in class but can I talk to you real quick?

Impala67: hey cas what's up?

cassiopeia: I think I want to go to this on my own. well I mean not on my own completely, gabe will be there but I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be around my family right now. they'll probably lash out on you and I don't think I can handle anymore going on right now

Impala67: it's fine angel. I was thinking the same thing. when are you guys leaving?

cassiopeia: tonight after gabriel gets off work. wanted to stay and say goodbye to you anyways :)

Impala67: I'd kick your ass if you left without seeing me

Impala67: I'll be home in a few hours to help you pack

cassiopeia: okay have a good calculus

Impala67: you know i won't

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