70: kik

856 36 4

Impala67: sam I need your help asap

samlosechester: what now?

Impala67: cas just lost his brother

samlosechester: oh shit. I'm sorry. how's he doing?

Impala67: not good

samlosechester: was he sick? or unexpected?

Impala67: car accident. completely unexpected. his girlfriend's in a coma

samlosechester: that sucks. that's awful

samlosechester: god I feel so bad

Impala67: what do I do?

samlosechester: be there for him. stay by his side. help him out. idk man that's rough

Impala67: cas said there's a funeral next weekend but he's going up to stay with his family earlier. he invited me, but the way his family sounds I don't want him to feel any worse by getting crap from his family while he's up there if I come

samlosechester: dean you can't just let him go alone. he needs you

Impala67: I know I'm so at a loss. idk what to do

samlosechester: just go with your gut. when has it ever failed you before?

Impala67: choosing to go to freshman homecoming with meg

samlosechester: okay you screwed up on that one

samlosechester: you'll figure it out

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