8: kik- castiel

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When Castiel walked into his first class the next day, he was the only one there, as always. Every day he came in a half an hour early to get that one seat in the very top, right along the back row, so he could sit back there in the corner and be alone as he listened to lectures, or took notes, or drew whatever came to mind, or now even text Dean. And so that was what he was doing right now... trekking up the stairs to get his favorite seat.

As he reached the last row, Cas felt a buzz in his coat pocket, meaning only one thing... Dean.

Sitting down, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and set his backpack down on the floor.

New message from Impala67: on a scale from 1 to 10 how screwed do you think I am?

Cas looked at the notification on his phone and unlocked it, smiling at what his friend could have to say today.

cassiopeia: depends... what did you do?

Impala67: left my girl that's a friend at Starbucks

cassiopeia: what?! Question 1... you never told me you had a girlfriend? And question 2... why would you leave her there?!

Impala67: answer 1... notice how I said girl that's a friend, she's not my girlfriend, she thinks she is but she's not. And answer 2... because she was taking forever and I can't be late to class again

cassiopeia: hmm okay sure

Impala67: not you too. My brother teases me about her all the fricking time

cassiopeia: nope. what. I. wasn't. hmm. me. what. neverrrr.

Impala67: whatever.

cassiopeia: did you atleast make sure she wasn't stranded there?

Impala67: we were with her friend so she should be fine

cassiopeia: okay dean but if I find out that that girl was left at a Starbucks and couldn't get to class because of you im gonna come over there and whoop your ass

Impala67: you don't know where I live mwahahaha

cassiopeia: whatever... I'll kick your ass in spirit

Impala67: oooh I knew you were a ghost

cassiopeia: actually im an angel

Impala67: what.

cassiopeia: what.

Castiel laughed a little to himself before remembering he wasn't by himself. He looked around at the few kids that were filtering in to class to make sure none of them had heard his little outbreak.

He was about to look back down at his phone when he saw the guy he helped a few days ago walking into the room. Cas hadn't really gotten a good look at him the previous time, he was just worried about hiding himself and helping him get into the room before they were both late. That was one of those rare times that Cas had been out to get a drink in the hallway and thank god it was or this kid would've been done for by Professor Oliver.

But now Castiel looked at him, truly looked at him, for the first time, and wow was he something. Even from across the room, Cas could make out his viridescent eyes and perfectly crafted smile. His hair, that sat angled on top of his pretty face, was a shade of light brown that semi matched the leather jacket he had on. He was a near definition to the word perfect, and Castiel just had to sit there and admire that for a second.

Castiel watched as the boys' gaze left the phone in his hands and looked around the room, trying to find a place in the front to sit. For a minute he watched as his eyes drifted to the back of the room and landed on Cas. When he saw Cas, he smiled and slightly lifted his hand as in attempting a wave, but all Castiel could do back was stare.

But oh that smile. Castiel felt warm as he smiled a little back in return. Deep down inside he could tell that this kid, this very one, this straight boy Mr. Perfect, was going to be the one to ruin him.

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