103: castiel

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author's note: things get a little steamy and you can tell I'm bad at writing that kind of content lmao it's okay you'll see.
and fair warning... content from that one chapter with the trigger warning kinda gets brought up again so tread lightly if you skipped that one. sorry for all the authors notes lately just want to make sure people understand what's going on.


When they got home, Castiel was tired. Now he remembered why he hated driving so much. He tossed the keys down on the kitchen counter as he passed it, arms length away from Dean the whole time.

"Okay I'm not gonna lie, that pie was pretty good." Dean said as they walked in to the living room.

They both kicked off their shoes and flung them over by the couch, not really caring where they ended up, knowing that they'd use them again tomorrow.

"See, I told you." Castiel side eyed Dean as he took off his trench coat.

He saw Dean moving closer to him, causing a smile to creep up on his face as his coat slid off of his shoulders.

"Well thank you Mr. Know It All." Dean whispered as he wrapped his hands around Castiel's waist.

"No problem." He said turning around in his grip to face him, reaching his nose up to brush against the taller males.

Castiel didn't kiss Dean. Instead he just lingered there, feeling his breath, his desperation... him. He closed his eyes and felt as Dean hands pulled his back in closer. He reached up one of his own hands to the back of Dean's head and felt the soft little strands of his hair as he moved down the base of his neck.

Cas opened his eyes one more time to see Dean. His eyes were closed, and his face held a sort of look. Like he was on the edge of a high.

He was beautiful.

In the low light that bled in from the bedroom, he could see the contour of his face, but not the freckles that graced it, or the bags under his eyes from waking up countless times and holding Castiel amidst tears.

He couldn't see the details but he could see all he needed to.

So he pulled his head into his and gently brushed his lips against Dean's. Dean met him back with a slow kiss.

Castiel felt Dean pull him into him. As if he needed him closer than what he already was.

Dean started to guide his body back towards him, and he felt as they began to stumble backwards.

Castiel pulled his hands down to Dean's shoulders and pushed the brown leather jacket off the base of his neck. He worked it down his arms and waited as Dean pulled the rest of it off and threw it on the floor.

They backed across the floor, carefully stepping between each other's feet as they moved into the bedroom.

Cas opened his eyes as the light lit up more of Dean's face, making out his soft eyelashes and the small wrinkles on his forehead from focusing too much on Castiel.

He pulled his lips away for a second, resting his forehead on Dean's as he trailed his fingers down to the bottom of his gray henley. Castiel slid the shirt up Dean's chest, feeling the heat from his body as his hands trailed over him. Dean pulled his head back and brought the shirt over his head as Castiel used the hands that were still on Dean to push him back towards the bed.

Dean grabbed Castiel's arm and pulled him into him, using his body to maneuver them on to the bed.

Cas went down first. As he pushed himself farther up on the bed, Dean's hands were carefully undoing the buttons of his white shirt.  He climbed on to the bed with him, sliding his hands over Castiel's chest to push the shirt out of the way.

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