97: dean

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"It was the HEAT OF THE MOMENT..." Gabriel yelled out the window at the top of his lungs.

"Gabriel shut the fuck up, or I'm shutting the music off!" Castiel turned around in his seat to yell at his older brother sing-screaming in the back.

"TELLING ME WHAT YOUR HEART MEANT..." He pointed his finger at Castiel dramatically as he sang the next line.

"Cas, just ignore him." Dean mumbled, a smile almost crossing his lips as he thought about how his brother probably felt when he did this on their long drives to Ellen's house.

Dean watched in the rear view mirror as Gabriel smirked at Castiel and then continued to yell the next line.

"You've give me the word, I'll push him out of the car." Cas smiled grimly.

"Come on cassie! I know you love me..." Gabriel leaned forward into the space between Castiel and Dean.

"Shut up."

Gabriel smiled and looked over to Dean.


"Oh yeah for sure." Dean retorted as they pulled into a long blacktop driveway where other cars were parked alongside it in the grass.

Dean turned down the music and looked back at Gabriel.

"Whaaaat..." He whined.

"You may be older than me, but I won't hesitate to kick your ass if you get crazy tonight."

"Got it." Gabriel clicked his tongue.

Dean turned into an empty place in the grass next to another black car, and put the impala in park.

"Hey Cas?"

"What Gabe?"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He winked at his younger brother.

"What... like this?" Castiel said as he reached his hand around Dean's neck and pulled his face across the space that separated them.

Dean was pleasantly surprised when he was met with Castiel's lips on his. He put his hand out on the seat to catch his balance as he almost fell forward into his boyfriend's face.

When Cas pulled away he smirked back at his brother, leaving Dean wanting to do nothing but kiss him again.

"No..." Gabriel opened his door. "I would've done that."

"GABRIEL!" Castiel yelled fumbling to open his door, as his brother closed his laughing.

"Cas..." Dean placed a hand on Castiel's shoulder, wanting to laugh at how immediately frustrated he got. "Cas... let him go."

His blue eyed boyfriend turned around to face him with a disappointed look on his face.

"I'm gonna be honest..." Castiel sighed. "I don't know anyone who wouldn't have done that."

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