92: castiel

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"So in this quote, Austen was using what rhetorical device?" Castiel's English professor carried on with her usually lighthearted, but still otherwise annoying voice.

Castiel looked down at his paper in front of him. Jane Austen was all that was printed on the top. Not a single word more, and he had already been sitting in this class for 30 minutes.

Cas stared down at his phone and pressed down on the home button showing his galaxy background behind two message notifications. Castiel pressed on one and unlocked his phone.

Impala67: this has got to be the most boring unit so far

Impala67: why can't she just say "Jane Austen was a feminist" and leave it at that?

Cas smiled and looked down to Dean a few rows in front of him sitting beside Lisa, like always in this class.

cassiopeia: that would be too easy

"Satire. It's satire guys, come on I know it's a Monday, but you know there's an exam on Thursday." She said tapping her blue expo marker on the board.

Impala67: do you want to study in the library later? I'm almost certain you're not paying attention right now

cassiopeia: you're not wrong

Impala67: and I'll throw in a bonus...

cassiopeia: oooh im intrigued... go on...

Impala67: if you can answer 80% of the questions right I'll take you to get chipotle after

cassiopeia: yessssssss

cassiopeia: but you do know I would've done it just to spend time with you...

Impala67: I know just figured I'd make it fun :)

cassiopeia: god I love you

Impala67: love you too now pay attention you dork

Castiel shut his phone off and sat it down next to his notebook, looking back down at the whiteboard. He scribbled down the definition of satire, not that it wasn't something he learned like 4 years ago, and drew an arrow down to the quote she wrote on the board. He listened carefully as she explained the symbolism behind Emma, writing down each of his own thoughts in his cobalt blue pen.

"Hey Cas...tiel?" The girl a few seats down from him slid over.

"Yeah?" He said keeping his gaze on the words he was writing.

"Did I say that right?" She smiled.

"Pretty much." He glanced over at her.

He recognized her from somewhere, but it took him a minute to think.

Oh, the party.

"I never did catch your name at that party..." He said remembering how he would've been too drunk off his ass to have even remembered.

"Oh... Meg."

"That sounds about right." Castiel nodded turning back to his notebook.

"So..." She cleared her throat. "Haven't seen you around here much... you okay?"

"Yeah. Just had a lot of shit going down."

"Anything we can help with?" She leaned her head over on to her hand.

"We?" Castiel said glancing up at her quickly.

"Yeah... you know, the gang. I know you haven't really been around us much, but any friend of Dean's is a friend of ours."

Castiel thought to himself for a second about who that would imply. Most likely her, Lisa, those boys from his calc class, and of course, Lucifer himself.

"Oh... um no thanks, I've got it taken care of."

"Okay well... if you ever decide you don't..."

"Listen Meg, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm really trying to catch up and I'd just like to be alone right now."

Castiel immediately felt bad. He didn't know why he snapped on her like that. Maybe just the thought of Lucifer being around made his blood coil.

"Sorry." She rolled her chair back over to the spot she was originally sitting at, looking away from Cas as she pulled herself back into the counter.

Castiel sighed and closed his eyes.

He really needed to work on his people skills.

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