107: dean

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"Dad?" Dean reiterated, looking back at his boyfriend and then to his supposed father. "Hold up... what?"

"Cas... what the hell?" He looked back for Castiel to say something, to explain something, but all he was met with was the blank face of a boy in shock.

Dean was going to ask another question when he noticed Castiel's skin was sickeningly pale.

"You okay, Cas?"

But Dean didn't get a verbal response. Instead Castiel's eyes closed as he was obviously trying extremely hard to keep himself upright.

Dean bolted from the door as he saw his body start to fall towards the floor in a struggle to remain awake.

Time seemed to slow down around Dean, but not around Castiel. Every step he took seemed like it wasn't fast enough to catch him. He stuck his arms out towards his boyfriend in hopes of a last minute attempt to soften the blow.

Dean caught him underneath his arm, and let all of Castiel's weight lean against him as he eased him slowly towards the couch.

"Is he alright?" Dean heard Castiel's father ask in a curious glance from the doorway.

"I think he just passed out." He mumbled, lifting Cas up on to the couch.

"Does he normally do this?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Can I come in?" He asked, obviously avoiding Dean's statement.

"What the hell, why not?" Dean threw his hands up in the air.

He didn't realize he let go of Cas sooner than he planned by doing this. His body slid over on a pillow that seemed as though it was perfectly position to catch his head.

Dean sighed and slid down on to the floor right in front of the couch, leaning his head back against the cushion that Castiel's hand was lying over.

"You can sit. I'm not gonna make you stand." Dean mumbled looking at the ceiling.

The man awkwardly moved to the chair that sat adjacent to the couch and slowly sat down, seeming on edge as he stayed leaning forward towards Castiel.

"So your his dad, huh?"

"Yes, um I am." He cleared his throat. "And you're his roommate?"

"Something like that." Dean closed his eyes and thought about it for a second.

Did Castiel's father know that he was gay yet?

Did he want him to know?

What kind of relationship did they already have, and how fragile was that?

Dean just left it for Cas to decide later. It was up to him.

"Well, I haven't actually introduced myself yet. My name is Charles, but my friends call me Chuck. Any friend of my boy is free to do the same." He smiled. "So... tell me about yourself. Castiel hasn't talked to me in a very long time, it's be nice to know the person who most likely sees him the most."

"Um... Dean Winchester. Born and raised in Lawrence, Kansas. Mechanical engineering major, pie enthusiast, genius brother, and an uncle with a great love for old cars."

"That black Chevy out there... is it yours?"

"Yes sir. '67 Impala." Dean smiled for the first time since being in his company.

"Very nice. Reminds me a lot of my eldest boy, he had a great taste in cars too."

"Michael." Dean inferred.

"That'd be him." Chuck nodded.

"Cas didn't mention seeing you at the funeral... why all the sudden did you decide to show up back in town?"

"I unfortunately couldn't make it to the service, but I went and saw the burial. I try to make myself as scarce as possible around here, there are some... people that don't really want to see me."

"I'm guessing Cas is one of them?"

"Not exactly, but his mother is." Chuck sighed.

"She's not really a big fan of anyone."

"You've met her?"

"No... and I probably never will." Dean fake smiled.

"Why would you say that?"

"Her and Cas haven't really been getting along lately. Plus she doesn't really seem like the kind of person you'd want to know."

"Well... she's not really." Chuck laughed as he looked down at the floor. "She's a bit of a control freak."

"I can tell." Dean nodded, looking over to Castiel.

"Is he alright?"

"He should wake up any minute now. My brother did this a few times when I took him to the fair. He hates clowns." Dean didn't let the fact that he was starting to worry reach his tone of voice.

"A lot of people do." He laughed.

Dean faked another smile and took a deep breath.

He should be awake by now.

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