the end is here!

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I'm sorry it's come to this, but it's time to step off. Just a few more words to say before I leave it all to you:

Wow. Thank you all for the amazing support and encouragement through this story! Like seriously you know who you are, and let me just say, without your support I'm not sure I would've had the motivation to keep publishing, so thank you all so much for that.

This story meant so much to me. I, as a person, changed so much over the duration of this story, as it started when I was in a very dark place, and now I'm pretty much in the best situation I can be. I will always cherish this story for that reason. It helped me through some pretty deep shit, and I will always love that you all gave me the chance to tell my story through these two amazing characters we love.

I hope you all enjoyed where this story took you, and where it ended, and like always, if not... leave it in the comments! I'll always and forever enjoy seeing how you guys react and things you like/dislike for future writings of mine.

Speaking of which... I've got another story in the works, give it a little while, but it'll be up eventually. For my followers that read almost anything I post... you might end up loving that one, and if you're new? You might love it too!

Anyways, thanks again for all you do as my lovely readers and commenters, you guys are literally the best thing a girl could ask for!

Until the next journey begins... this is your author signing off.

Grateful forever,

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