19: kik- dean

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"Dean can you grab more cups from the pantry?" Lisa called out to him running through the kitchen.

He could barely hear her over the loud music playing in the other room and the yells and calls of all the other people there, but he put together what he could hear and did it anyways.

"Yeah one sec." He said, stumbling his way towards the other side of the room to grab the bag and put it back down on the counter.

Dean picked up his phone from the counter beside where he had put the cups down and opened his favorite messaging app, blinking at the screen as his eyes tried to focus through all the alcohol he had already consumed.

Impala67: dudeeee help

cassiopeia: what?

Impala67: im reallll bored

cassiopeia: aren't you at the party yet?

Impala67: yeah but like I don't know anyone here yet besides Lisa's friends and they're all weirddddddd

cassiopeia: hah that sucks

cassiopeia: I got my bro to take me to dinner as long as he could drag me to another party afterwards

cassiopeia: we just got wendys and I couldn't be happier

Impala67: awe luckyyyyy but dude why do you always go to parties if you hate them?

cassiopeia: because Gabe feeds me for free before hand

Impala67: I guess that's fair

cassiopeia: yeah

Impala67: ooh one of me frens just got here imma go but text me if you need anything

cassiopeia: alright :)

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