96: kik- dean

661 29 1

gAbRiEl: heya deano

Impala67: ?? hi gabriel

gAbRiEl: so I was thinking...

gAbRiEl: can I hitch a ride with you to luci's party tonight?

Impala67: what's wrong with your ride?

gAbRiEl: I think something happened to it when we were out of town... I can't get it to start...

Impala67: does cas know you're coming?

gAbRiEl: I don't think he really cares I mean I go to every party...

Impala67: alright but if you upset him I swear...

gAbRiEl: I know I know... you'll slit my throat and throw my body in the river

Impala67: wow you've learned quickly

gAbRiEl: hah hah hah whatever

gAbRiEl: I'll just come home with cassie today if that's cool with you... save ya an extra trip

Impala67: ...alright

Impala67: just... don't say anything to piss him off please, he's been a bit off lately

gAbRiEl: I know...

Impala67: good

gAbRiEl: see ya later deanie beanie

Impala67: don't call me that

Impala67: ...

Impala67: ever

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