81: kik- castiel

804 33 1

cassiopeia: get some sleep idiot

cassiopeia: I love you too

Castiel set his phone down on the table next to his goldfish and dropped his head down into one of Gabe's old pillows.

A few towns over, his favorite person in the world was already asleep, his head buried into a soft brown pillow that probably smelled like Castiel.

Cas smiled at that thought. Even when Dean was drunk, he was the only thing on his mind. He was at home, not out at some party, or out with some random kid on campus. He was there, missing Castiel and sleeping alone.

It was a comforting thought.

He pulled out Dean's flannel from underneath his pillow and held it in his hands. He closed his eyes as he brought it up to his face, smelling the exact mix that he had told Anna about earlier.

He thought about being there with him. But instead he was stuck here.


The place he grew up in. The people he grew up with. The family that should be his whole world. His home. Except it wasn't. When Castiel thought about going home, he didn't think about being here.

He thought about sleeping in on Saturdays, waking up to the smell of bacon frying in a pan a few rooms away. He thought of car rides with the windows down trying his best to sing old rock and smiling at the sunset. He thought of two soft hands wrapping around his waist after his last class, taking the weight of the world off of his shoulders. He thought about the beautiful person he shared his life with.

He thought about Dean Winchester.

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