95: dean

702 33 4

"Castiel... oh love of my life... please get your fine ass out of bed this morning..." Dean laughed as he came back into the bedroom from the kitchen.

"Whaaaat..." Castiel grumbled into his pillow as the light from the living room shone through the doorway in which Dean was standing.

"Um hmm, let's see I don't know, maybe you have class in 30 minutes..." Dean tapped his fingers on the door frame.

"Shit." His boyfriend mumbled, sitting up with a yawn.

"You literally went to bed at 9:30 Cas, how are you so tired?"

"Didn't sleep much." He opened his eyes, and looked at Dean.

Dean noticed how exhausted he looked. He looked like he had been to hell and back, and at this point it might not even be an overstatement.

"You want some coffee? You can have mine, I just brewed it like ten minutes ago."

"No... I'll just... I don't know... I need to get up..." Castiel yawned stretching his arms out to the side.

"Is that my shirt?" Dean pointed to his favorite red flannel falling down around Castiel's arms.

"Um... yeah... I just... got cold last night." He mumbled pulling at the sleeves, his voice wearing a bit of apprehension.

"Really? I was hot."

"Maybe it's just you." Cas smirked, looking in Dean's direction.

"Haha very funny... get up unless you want to walk to campus."

"I've got my own car, remember?"

"Oh... umm... okay." Dean mumbled, almost barely audible, in a state of disappointment.

"But you know I hate driving." Castiel sighed, fondly smiling at Dean.

Dean couldn't help but smile back. He looked at his boyfriend's messy dark hair, in wishes that he could run his hands through it all day. Cas had that kind of effect... he looked like a mess every time he woke up, but it was so hot at the same time. Dean coughed, stopping himself from getting distracted, and then pushed himself off the doorframe.

"I'll... uh... let you get ready then." He said, smiling as he turned around.

Behind him he heard the sheets rustle as Cas stepped out of the bed.

"Wait... Dean?"

"Yeah?" He turned his head over his shoulder.

"Do you really think I'm the love of your life?"

Dean paused and smiled, remembering what he said earlier.

"I guess we're gonna find out, won't we?"

Behind his shoulder, he watched Cas break into a smile.

"Guess so."

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