7: kik

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cassiopeia: I may or may not have just extremely screwed up

Impala67: noooo what'd you do?

cassiopeia: I kinda rejected my sisters friend... in front of the whole family...

cassiopeia: they weren't very happy

cassiopeia: it was kinda rude I just...

cassiopeia: I'm awful.

cassiopeia: I should be alone... forever

Impala67: no what happened?

cassiopeia: we were sitting around the table and they kept asking me if I had a girlfriend, and when I planned on getting one and a bunch of really awkward questions and she just goes "we should definitely go out sometime." And i said "no thanks." Just "no thanks." Like what the fuck is wrong with me???? She was so disappointed.

Impala67: oh dude...

cassiopeia: i have no social skills

Impala67: yeah you may need to work on those

cassiopeia: why do I screw everything up? I can't do anything right

Impala67: that's not true

cassiopeia: yes I'm pretty sure it is

cassiopeia: sometimes I wonder why you even talk to me anymore. I would've given up on me last week

Impala67: no way dude not happening

cassiopeia: ...

cassiopeia: thanks dean

Impala67: anytime cas

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