20: kik- castiel

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The room was dark, loud and crowded. All of Castiel's favorite things...


He was standing in the kitchen at the party Gabriel drug him along too, and so far it wasn't as terrible as he thought it would be.

Nobody had really bugged him all night, so for the most part Castiel just stayed tucked away in this little part of the kitchen and fiddled on his phone, while enjoying a nice session of people watching. But of course it wasn't as fun because he already knew some of the people here.

At the moment he was texting Dean, because what else would he do when bored?

cassiopeia: heyyyyy

cassiopeia: don't feel obligated to answer these

cassiopeia: im just trying to look busy

cassiopeia: so yeahhhh

cassiopeia: hope you're having a good time wherever you are

cassiopeia: I am currently surviving so that's good

cassiopeia: Im kinda thirsty imma get some water

cassiopeia: update... it wasn't water

cassiopeia: I lost Gabe like 30 mins ago... he usually tests the drinks for me

cassiopeia: anyways...

Castiel set his phone down on the seat for a minute and reached over the counter to grab a handful of pretzels. As he shoved one in his mouth, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey!" The all so familiar voice from behind him said.

Cas choked on his pretzel as he turned around to see those mysterious green eyes staring back at him.

"Uh...hey...sorry...I..." Was all Cas could mutter between coughs.

"You need a drink?" He said, already reaching for a cup on the counter.

Castiel nodded and grabbed whatever was in his hand without a second thought.

He took a drink, but as he did he felt the burning sensation of something he had already ran into earlier in the night. He quickly pulled his face away and sniffed the cup with a grimace.

"What is that?" He said squinting his eyes and putting it down on the counter.

"Uh vodka I think... I don't really know Ruby kinda just made it and I drank it." The mysterious boy said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh. Vodka. Okay." Castiel muttered.

"I'm sorry. I can get you something else..."

"No. No you're fine. Unknown alcohol works." He said back with a smile taking another drink out of the red cup in front of him, while completely ignoring the fact the he should never drink without Gabe nearby to drag his sorry ass home.

"So... didn't know you came to parties."

"Uh yeah I don't. I'm just here for the food." Cas said handing him the cup.

"Sounds like decent reason." He said back laughing.

"And I like to watch people make fools of themselves."

"Would you like to be one of those fools?" He said using the hand that wasn't holding the cup to point out into the living room to all the people dancing.

"Uh... uh... yeah... sure..." Castiel muttered, glaring into his bright hopeful eyes.

The boy smiled back that wide white smile and headed off towards the living room, Cas in tow.

They found a spot in the middle of the crowd to blend in and ignore the others, which was oddly convenient for Castiel since he had no idea how to "dance" or even remotely how to dance with other people.

Cas took the cup out of the other boys hand and took a long drink before handing it back to him. Never before had Castiel thought the taste of alcohol was good, and especially not the things it made him do, but he proceeded to take that drink anyways.

"I love this song." He didn't hear the boy above him mutter.

"What?!" Castiel yelled back through the noise of music and other people talking.

He leaned down and put his face near Castiel's ear as they continued to get pushed around.

"I said I love this song."

"Ohhhh..." Cas smiled as the boy pulled his face back.

They continued to move around with the crowd and as they did Cas got shoved into the black shirt of the hot guy in front of him.

"Hey you okay?" He said putting his arm around his waist to pull him up.

"Yeah yeah sorry I'm good." Castiel mumbled looking up at him again.

"Good god you are so pretty." He whispered up at him when he wasn't looking.

"What?" His friend said back.


Castiel didn't realize how he was still being held onto, until he got bumped into for the thousandth time and didn't fall down.

He looked at the arm holding him and knew it had to be his favorite person in the room. He had saved him the first time, and he never let go. Cas thought about this for a moment, letting his mind wander into thinking that maybe he was into him, but then immediately shaking his head out of it.

"So what's your name?" Castiel said standing on his toes to reach him.

"What? You want to play a game?" The boy questioned back.

"Well that's not what I said but sure." Cas yelled back shaking his head.

"Follow me." He smiled, holding out his hand.

Without a second thought, Castiel took it, slipping his hand into his, and let him pull him through the crowd.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

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