89: dean

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Dean was playing candy crush on his phone as he leaned on the counter when the front door opened.

He immediately turned off his screen, setting it down on the counter as he gazed over to his boyfriend.

"Is that Chinese I smell?" Castiel exclaimed as he dropped his duffel bag on the floor.

"I did say take out..." Dean laughed, watching Cas do a little dance as he closed the door.

"Yesssss." He hissed as he kicked off his shoes.

Dean got up off the counter and couldn't help the wide smile on his face as Castiel came scurrying across the room.

His boyfriend wrapped his arms around his neck as he pulled him down into a kiss.

"Mmm I have missed you so much." He whispered just inches away from Dean's face.

Dean smiled and lifted his hands to Cas's face with a dying urge to kiss every single worry away. But instead he just held his face and stared into his eyes with an undying attention.

"Me too. You have no idea."

"Okay I really do love this... but can we please eat?" Castiel grinned, causing his cheeks to squish up against Dean's palms.

"Yes." Dean said planting a small kiss on his angels forehead before letting him go.

It was nice to see Castiel in a good mood. Dean had half expected him to be a complete shut down mess, but seeing him as a functional human being, and in a good mood made Dean smile. He prayed that the worst wasn't yet to come.

"How was your drive?" He asked as he dug a white box of chow mein out of the generic 'thank you' bag on the counter.

"Really nice. I listened to the entire Urban Flora EP." Castiel tapped on the counter as he made his way to his typical stool.

"The what now?"

"Urban Flora... some album Michael had pulled up on the dash. It was really... calming. And almost kind of hot too."

"How are those two things even remotely close?" Dean slid a box over to the counter.

"Mmm idk maybe you'll have to listen to it t find out..." Cas smirked with an eyebrow raised.

Dean smiled and looked down at the counter, twirling a fork between his fingers.

He opened his box of noodles and then looked up to see his boyfriend doing the same.

Cas was so adorable in the most unique ways.

His hair was starting to curl on his forehead from the humidity outside. His head was tilted down at just the right angle so that Dean stood there and admired his perfectly illustrated jawline. His skin was so smooth, and just the perfect shade of tan that Dean couldn't help but wonder if he was a gift from God. It was the little things about him that took his breath away. The tiny perfections that made him smile.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbled catching Castiel's attention.

"You're one to talk." He responded, slipping a forkful of noodles into his mouth.

"Shut up." Dean whispered looking down with a smile.

"Oh hey..." Castiel finished chewing up his first bite. "This is important... did I leave my coat here?"

"Yeah, it's in the bedroom."

"Good." He sighed. "I can't believe I left without it. It was a cold few days."

"Yeah... Lisa found it earlier." Dean awkwardly cleared his throat.

"What was Lisa doing in your bedroom Dean Winchester?" Castiel's voice shifted into defense mode, making Dean realize how fucked up that sounded.

"No... no... wait... she was just over for lunch I swear... she's like my sister you know that... she was using my bathroom..." He coughed after choking on a noodle trying to redeem himself.


"I was just saying... she found it... and she knows it's not mine, so she also knows it's yours..." Dean smiled. "And now she knows I'm yours too."

Cas cleared his throat. "So you told her?"

"I didn't really have a choice she was being really nosy and I was kinda stuck... but I mean all the better now she's not pining after me anymore." He shrugged.

"Yeah I suppose."

Dean twirled his fork around in the box.


"Yeah?" He tilted his head up to Cas.

"Nothing." His blue eyes smiled down at him. "Just glad to see you again."

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