77: kik

769 36 3

Impala67: she said yes

Impala67: I think

cassiopeia: what do you mean you think?


Impala67: she may have fallen and blacked out

cassiopeia: holy shit seriously

Impala67: we were walking down the stairs at that big water fountain, you know the one downtown?

cassiopeia: yeah...?

Impala67: and so we were like at the fountain and sam was all like down on one knee and everything when she turns around to face him and then she like takes a step back and she's smiling and everything, but she tripped on the stair and ended up hitting the handrail sooo

cassiopeia: I feel bad for laughing but that is just so unfortunate

Impala67: me too, sam lost it. he was laughing so hard until he realized she wasn't laughing back

cassiopeia: idiots

Impala67: oh shut up. we had it all planned out. this wasn't part of the plan

cassiopeia: no shit

cassiopeia: that really sucks

cassiopeia: is she okay?

Impala67: yeah she's good now I was just a little tied up to respond you know?

cassiopeia: i would say your excuse passed mr. winchester

Impala67: good

Impala67: I mean I've got an alibi if you don't believe me

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