101: dean

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"You're not going to tell me where we're going are you?" Dean said ten minutes into their drive.

"Nope." Castiel smiled, tapping his fingers on the wheel.

It was a weird feeling for Dean... sitting in the passenger seat again. He liked the feeling of being able to relax, but he also didn't like the feeling of not knowing where he was going, and right now they were headed down a road he had never seen before. Dean ignored the fact that Castiel's driving made him a bit nervous and instead chose to play around with the touchscreen console.

"How do you play music on this damn thing?" He said flipping between the controls.

"You act like you've never seen a new car before..." Cas laughed, glancing over at him for a second before darting his eyes back to the road.

"Well I mean Sammy has a decently new car, but it's not a freaking Tesla, Cas."

"Are you insulting my car?"

"No... I would never..." Dean rolled his eyes.

"Better not be... I'll kick your ass."

Dean shuffled in his seat, leaning over to see the screen.

"Actually... I kinda like it honestly. Besides the fact that I have no idea how to use this." He motioned to the screen.

"Go to the controls and hook up your Bluetooth."

"Do what?" Dean said pressing on a few buttons that definitely had nothing to do with the music.

"Bluetooth, Dean... don't tell me you've never used it before..."

"I... uh..."

"You know what... just use my phone." Castiel lifted his phone out of the cup holder in the console and handed it over to Dean.

"All you have to do now is go into my music or YouTube or pandora or whatever you want and play something, my phone automatically connects."

Dean held the phone in his hand and pressed the home button. The screen lit up with a picture of the night sky. It made Dean think about his username.... cassiopeia. This boy really did love the stars.

He pressed the button again and put in the password slowly, making sure not to mess up any of the numbers.

"What do you want to listen to?" He looked over to his boyfriend, following his eyes as they watched the mirrors.

"Whatever you want. Nothing too depressing."

Dean looked through his music library, looking at all the unfamiliar album covers. Half of these artists he had never even heard of.

"Who's Jaymes Young?"

"He's pretty good... play Moondust see if you like it."

Dean pressed on the song Castiel told him to and set his phone back down in the console. He listened to the beginning of the song as he stared out the windshield, looking out at the trees that lined the road.

"So what inspired this sudden urge to go on a date?" Dean turned to Cas and smiled.

"You told me to find something to get rid of my anger... I think maybe this will help."


"I don't know. But seeing you happy makes me happy... happier at least. So I'm giving it a shot." He smiled.

Dean smiled back, knowing that his boyfriend was one of the most amazing people in the world.

"Well then, I'll do my best to be absolutely thrilled with whatever we do." Dean laughed, leaning his head towards Castiel's side of the car.

"Oh shut up." Cas gently pushed his shoulder back into his seat.

Dean smirked as he settled back into his space.

"Yes princess."

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