Chapter Ten

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- Luna's POV -

It seemed that I had been out cold all night and woke up suddenly to my phone vibrating on the wooden floor. I jumped up and grabbed it, it was just someone on twitter. The time was 4:15am and I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.

My whole body was shaking from the shock of the blades, I looked down at my arms. I was basically lying in a pool of blood, which has never happened to me before.

And the most surprising thing was that no body had found me in this state for all the hours I didn't come out of my bedroom, but I guess they never check on me anyway.

I shuffled over to the bed and helped myself up, the sun was only rising so my room was still a bit dark. I finally stood up on my own two feet and walked out of my room and into the bathroom, then turning on the light.

The first thing that caught my eye was the mirror, my face covered in make up and my eyes blood shot red. I can't go to Abbeys mums house like this! I'm a mess!

I began washing my face and pulling out all the boxes in the medicine cupboard looking for the huge plasters my mum once bought when Trevor hurt his knee badly. I finally found them, I ripped open a few and covered both my arms in them, but don't worry I'll be wearing long sleeves for a while.. I always do anyway.

I grabbed some tissues and brought them too my bedroom to clean up the red mess on the floor, then I threw my blades back into the small box where I usually keep them.

Now what am I going to do? I'm not going to be able to sleep.. My arms hurt so bad. I burst out in tears at the state I put myself in, I'm so stupid. But no one would stop me anyway..

"Luna wake up!" Mum shouted a few hours later, it was 10:00am. I was surprised that I fell asleep after doing what I did, that never happens.

I got out of bed carefully without making myself collapse again. I put on my huge blue jumper which was long enough to stretch to my thighs. Then I wore my black leggings and navy vans.

I packed my teddy bear, ipod, phone (both their chargers) lots of clothes, pyjamas and my earphones. That's all I needed to survive.

"Have some toast before you go!" Mum shouted as I walked to the door, I shook my head.

"No I'm good" At least I'm getting away from her for a while.

Abbey stood at my garden waiting for me with a smile, I smiled lightly at her and she helped me put my bags into the boot of the car.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be.."

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