Chapter Thirty Nine

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- Luna's POV -

I need to stop Storm, I can't let her do this.

I grabbed my bag, money and my phone and ran down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Mum said as I started tying my shoes, I ignored her.


"Luna answer me!!" She shouted, why does she care? She never cares. I sprinted towards the door and threw it open, mum kept screaming behind me but I wouldn't listen.

I began running down the street, towards the train station.

"William stop her!!" Mum screamed, I looked back as I ran and seen mums boyfriend catching up with me. The train station wasn't far from our house and I was almost there, so close yet so far.

Suddenly I felt a grip around my backpack and I was being dragged backwards, it was William.

"STORM!!" I screamed with tears pouring down my face as he pulled me back home, I couldn't breathe.

"What the hell is wrong with her?!" Mum said as William locked the front door, I lay on the floor crying helplessly.

"Please leave me alone!!" I screamed as I ran into the back garden, I pulled my phone out of my bag and called Storm, to my luck she answered.

"S-storm?!" I said with a slight whisper, my eyes were blurry from the mascara and tears.

"Luna I can't" She said, her voice was still shaky.

"Storm I tried to come to you, I ran but they stopped me" I said quickly, she fell silent.

"What?.. Y-you tried to come for me?" She said in shock.

"Of course I did I love you!" I shouted while bursting into tears again, she started to cry too.

"I love you too" She whispered, I wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop you, I should've because it was your first time using a blade I'm sorry" I said repeatedly, she hushed me.

"I didn't do it.." She said slowly, I was shocked..

"Wait what?!" I shouted.

"You said you need me and.. The promise" She said, I broke down again. Oh my god, the promise.

The promise she made, she promised herself to never cut if someone needed her.. And I need her.

"I need you storm I really do, oh my god I'm so proud of you" I said quickly taking a breath after every few words.

"Thank you so much Luna, you're my hero.."

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