Chapter Eighteen

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- Luna's POV -

I woke up, not even knowing where I was. I blinked a few times and remembered that I hid in Storm's house from Abbey. They've probably rang my mum telling her I was lost.. Gulp.

I looked over at Storm, she was curled up like a kitten in blankets on the sofa. I looked down to the floor and seen a huge pink pig, I sneaked over, lifted him and brought him back over to where I was sleeping.

He was big, pink and had the cutest nose. There were black mascara marks all over his head and neck, it kind of broke my heart.

"Hey, why have you stole Dexter on me!" Storm shouted, I didn't realise she was awake.

"O-oh I'm sorry" I said throwing him across to her, she laughed.

"I was kidding" She said untangling herself from the blankets. I snuggled up close to Chilly.

I lifted up my phone from the floor and looked at the lock screen, millions of missed calls from my mum. Fuck.

"Storm I'm scared, my mum has rang me so many times" I shouted into the kitchen, she ran out quickly.

"Call her back" She said sitting on the wooden floor before me, and I did.

"Luna?! Luna you're okay!!" She shouted.

"Mum I told you that I was fine yesterday" I said looking down at the phone.

"Abbey called me saying you weren't at her house but you we're suppose to be.. Where are you?"

"I'm.. Uh. At another friends house, I've known her for ages so I'm staying there for a while. Abbey doesn't know her though" I said quickly making up lies, don't worry I'm fine with this I practically lie all day. That fake smile is the biggest lie I've ever told.

"Alright.. As long as you're okay and safe" she said, I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Bye mum"

I hung up quickly and put my head in my hands.

"Ugh, I wish she never made me come here" I said sadly, Storm jumped up on the sofa beside me.

"It's okay I'll fix this" She said while patting my back, why does she care so much?

"Thank you for all this Storm, I don't know why you want to help so much but seriously, thank you" I said looking back at her. She smiled politely.

"I love helping people!" She said getting up and skipping into the kitchen, I laughed. For someone so sad, she's a really good actor.

"Would you like something to eat?!" She shouted, I sighed.

"Uh.. No I-I'm fine thank you" I said stuttering and shaking, she peeked through the door. I think she knew what I was doing.

"Please tell me your not.." She said stopping in the middle of her sentence as she walked up to me, I stared at her.


"Luna.." She muttered looking down, I stood up.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Please don't starve yourself.. I promise you that it doesn't help. It doesn't make you loose weight or anything, but you don't need to loose weight anyway!" She said rambling on and on, I gulped.

"I'm so fat.." I said looking away, she grabbed my shoulders.

"Listen to me okay?! You are not fat! You're perfect!" She shouted in my face, wow calm down.

"N-no" I said moving away and holding on to the ends of my sleeves, she looked like she was about to cry.

"You're the perfect one, look at you. You're so skinny and pretty" I said with a smile, she shook her head quickly.

"No no no please don't call me that" Her eyes filled with tears. I began to shake in fear again, what did I say?!

"Huh? I don't understand" I said as she started getting worked up.

"Don't call me that word I hate that work that's why they bully me" She said grabbing onto the loose strands of her hair, I grabbed on to her hands and pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't know please" I said repeating myself, she hugged me tight. I guess I realise now that.. Being called fat and being called skinny have both the same affect on people.

"Can I say thin?" I asked, she nodded slightly.

"I don't like my body, I'm really weak and fragile because of it. I get really dizzy all the time and collapse occasionally. Please don't wish this upon yourself" She pleaded, I sighed.

"You have the perfect body shape, I'm so jealous" I said, she laughed.

"I'm saying the same about you" She said wiping her eyes.

"Please have something, even a biscuit?" She said walking into the kitchen again.

"An apple?"


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