Chapter Thirty Three

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- Luna's POV -

After a long night of sitting at the top of the stairs listening to mum and William laughing and watching tv, it was finally the next day.

I was surprised to be up this early, it was 8am. Mum was walking up and down the landing, and her continuous thumping of her feet woke me up from my sleep.

"Mum? What're you doing?" I shouted while rubbing my eyes, she opened my bedroom door.

"Oh sorry Luna, I'm just cleaning up" She said then she left, sigh. I decided to get up because I was already wide awake, I'm going to go on a walk today.

I jumped out of bed and got changed quickly, I put my hair in a loose pony tail. I hate my hair up but it annoys me so much. I didn't bother with make up either, this was going to be a natural day.

"Bye mum I'm going for a walk" I said while hopping down the stairs.

"What about breakfast?" She shouted as I slammed the front door, you think I'm going to eat? Ha.

I rushed passed Abbeys dad's house just in case she seen me through the window. There is a small forest quite far away from where I live but it's worth the walk, it's so peaceful and I love to go there to get some alone time.

After walking through 5 streets and over two busy roads I finally made it to the forest, I was so excited to just relax and listen to the running river.

The forest was usually empty, especially because it was only approaching 10am. I walked through the pathways and found my hidden trail.

Once when I was younger me and my brother where here, I was just wandering around when I found a path which was covered over by leaves. Trevor didn't realise that I had left him standing on his own and I followed this path, it went through lots of trees but at the end it brought me to a small waterfall which landed into a pool. I loved it so much that I decided to come here every time I felt sad, it really helps and I don't think anyone has found it yet, but me.

I got to my usual spot and set down my bag, I began playing some music from my iPod and watched the waterfall.

- Storm's POV -

So I'm quite a lazy person, and on school breaks I always get up at 1pm maybe? My mum screams at me because I should be revising for my exams or going out with friends. What friends?

"Storm! Stop being so lazy and get up!!!" Rachel screamed as she ran into my bedroom, I groaned and turned away from her.

"Come on! Daddy's taking us to shaws bridge!" She shouted, Shaws bridge is a forest park about 20 minutes from our house. It's really nice there, I would love to go alone but it's too far of a walk.

"Okay I'll get up" I said with a sigh, she smiled and ran out of my room. I wore my huge grey jumper, which was a dress on me. Leggings and my black vans.

I walked down the stairs, they were both sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. I grabbed a packet of chocolate chip cookies to eat in the car journey there.

When we arrived at Shaw's bridge it was crowded with cars. There is a small park for kids at the entrance, so I suspected that all parents had brought their kids here to get rid of them for an hour or so. The river is always filled with people canoeing, or ducks.

My dad likes to canoe, he has his own and sometimes Rachel hires one and goes out on the river with him. I'd rather sleep if I'm honest.

We got into the walk way and began walking beside the river, it was really peaceful here, well it would be if Rachel didn't stop talking. But of course she never does.

I stopped to look at the cute little ducks swimming around in circles, I looked back to see my dad and Rachel walking off, I don't even think they realised I stopped.

I backed away slowly and began running the other way, time for an adventure.

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