Chapter Thirty Six

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- Storm's POV -

"Get up it's time for school!!" Mum shouted as she leaned over my bed and pulled the curtains over, my head was thumping from all the crying the night before.

"D-do I have to go" I muttered, she laughed.

"Of course silly! School is the best days of your life" She shouted as she walked quickly into Rachel's room and said the same thing.

It's weird because I never want to get out of bed but as soon as I do, I'm wide awake. But then the sleep catches up with me through the day.

I got into my usual ugly uniform, royal blue it is. My school uniform does look okay compared to other high schools but I still don't like it.

I decided to wear my hair down today, so I don't get bullied about being ugly. I probably still will though.

The teachers gave up about telling me off for pink hair, they just call my mum and dad everyday about how angry they are that I'm 'breaking school rules' but my parents have gave up too.

I sat in the kitchen waiting for my lift to school. I don't like eating anything in the mornings, well to be honest it's hard to eat at all. My eating is getting worse again, if I don't even eat for a few hours I feel like I loose weight and it's a terrifying feeling, but sometimes I just can't eat.

I heard the honk of the horn and I said good bye to my mum, running up the back garden steps and too the blue car waiting for me.

The person who brings me to school is a friend of my mums, I hate her. She has a son and a daughter who go to the same school as me too, and her daughter is in my class.

"Are you excited to be back to school then Storm?" Clarissa said (my mums friend).

"Oh yeah sure" I said sarcastically, Natalie laughed.

"No one is happy to be going back to school" She said. Me and Natalie used to be best friends, like.. Best friends. We were inseparable until we started high school. She grew up too fast, while I was still playing with fucking Barbie dolls, she was caking her face with make up. She made new/better friends and forgot about me ever since. But we're civil now.

We finally reached school and I was dreading every moment, just to look at all those people again made me sick to the stomach. Me and Natalie walked in together but as soon as she saw her friends I was alone.

"Hey Storm!" Tracey shouted, she was one of the girls in my friend group. She was sort of a slut.. She would go around all the boys in school and lead them on but then forget about them the next day. Quite unfair on their part if you ask me. But to be honest, she was really nice. I don't think she had a problem with me so I didn't feel anxious around her.

"Oh hi Tracey" I said with a smile, she walked up to me and laughed.

"Still haven't took the pink out?" She said while pointing to my head, I laughed.

"Of course not!"

Cara and Nicola came walking up behind us, they are also in my friend group. Cara talked to a lot of boys also, but she never got really close with any of them. But Nicola is normal, which is good. I think I'm the closest with Nicola and Macey, who walked up to us shortly after.

They don't know anything about me though, they think I'm a normal happy person. Which I'm not.

But none of them take any attention when the bullies are hurting me mentally and physically, they just laugh or walk on..

The bell rang for registration, the class were we get rolled in so the teachers know we're in school, I was dreading every class already.

As soon as I walked in I got a few dirty looks thrown at me, ew. Nothing was said though.. Thankfully.

I forgot that I had a small nail file in my top pocket for emergencies, I have a bad feeling about this day.

First class was Health and Social Care. I was doing this subject for gcse exams. But I'm obviously failing in it, sigh.

The class was about doctors, hospitals and jobs and health centres etc. Also the growth of people.

I sat at the back beside Neve, she was really nice but can be a bitch when she wants to be.

But the real bitches sat in front of me.. The ones who basically bully me constantly. They would always turn around and just laugh at my face..

"Hey Storm how was your Easter break?" One of them shouted over to me.

"I bet she was drunk the whole time, that she couldn't even walk" The other one said, they laughed together while looking over at me. I rolled my eyes.

"What was that dirty look for you bitch?!" One of them shouted as she walked over to me, I looked up from my work quickly.

"Don't give me them looks, okay?" She said angrily, I ignored and turned away. She clenched her fists together and walked off.

"I'm going to fucking kill that girl!"

- Luna's POV -

I sat in maths, as usual on a Monday morning. Hiding my face from the whole class because I hate them all.

I usually just listen to my iPod in every class even though I'm not aloud too, but it makes the lessons go quicker.

Suddenly I felt pieces of rubber being thrown at me, they bounced off the table I was sitting at too, I sighed.

The boys constantly take the piss out of me and hurt me, and it does hurt..

"Hey Luna why are you ignoring us?!" One of the boys shouted, I clenched my fist around my pencil hoping to not lash out at them.

"Stop ignoring us!" He shouted again, the people on my desk just stared at me.

I got up to go get some pieces of paper at the front of the room, and to my surprise one of the boys followed.

"Yo Luna" He said approaching me.

"What do you want" I said with a sigh.

"Why're you such a depressing bitch to everyone?" He said while leaning on the wall, I gritted my teeth.

"None of your fucking business" I said angrily as I walked off, he looked shocked. He sprinted passed me and jumped on to his desk.

"Luna just cussed at me!!" I heard him say to his friends, this is going to be a looonngg day.

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