Chapter Thirty Four

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- Storm's POV -

Shaw's bridge forest was huge, but only if you explored it. Most people just follow the pathway and some of the tracks but I decided to take my own route and wander through the pretty trees. I really love nature, I find trees really calming somehow. They all look so different but beautiful at the same time.

I could still here the voices of people walking up and down the pathway but I was deep in the middle of the forest, most of the plants and trees were growing back their leaves as the summer was coming, thank god for that.

I kept walking until a small piece of stone caught my eye, I climbed over a small branch and ran over to it. It looked like half of a grave stone, the other half was lying at the other side of the small area I was standing in.

"I guess someone got angry with you" I muttered to myself when I was really talking to the body deep under the ground, i felt bad for his or her grave stone, there wasn't any writing on it but there was prints on it years ago, I could tell. I continued walking and found a nice place to sit, I took out my phone to see a few messages from twitter, one Facebook message and a text from Luna.

"Hey storm! I'm at this cool waterfall near my house, it's so peaceful here and I love it. What're you doing today?x" the text said.

"I'm at a forest place with my sister and dad, but I ran off and found some cool things. It's really nice here too x" I replied, then suddenly I got a phone call from my dad.

"Where are you?!" He asked sounding worried

"Don't worry, I'm just walking around. I'll meet you's at the car soon" I said

"Alright fine, but don't get lost because we won't be looking for you" he said before hanging up the phone, of course you wouldn't come looking for me.

I felt like I was already lost, and I loved the feeling. Especially being lost in a forest, that's the best part.

"Aw awesome! I'll call you later?x" Luna texted back.

"Why not now?" I answered. Then she called me.

"Hi Luna"

"Hey Storm!"

"So.. Where are you?" I asked

"I'm at a waterfall.. I found it when I was little, where are you?" She said

"Well I just passed a grave stone and now I'm sitting in between the trees" I said happily, she laughed

"That's lovely" she joked

"Describe it to me"

"What do you mean?" Luna asked

"Describe where you are, what it looks like" I said

"Oh okay well.. I'm sitting on a small rock and just across from me is a small pool, the waterfall is too the left and it's not that big, it's about the size of me times 3" She said fully describing every detail, I was really interested

"Well you're a tall person so.." I said

while laughing, I heard her sulk

"And you're a smurf!" She joked

"Tell me about where you are?" She said a moment later, I took a breath

"Well for me, I'm surrounded by huge trees and they're covering the sky, I can barely see the clouds. I'm sitting on a small tree that has fallen over and I'm on a sort of hill.." I said slowly while looking all around me

"Wow, that sounds.. Beautiful" She said a minute after me, I smiled even though she couldn't see me

"I wish I was there.." She whispered

"I wish I was there too.." I said.

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