Chapter Twelve

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- Luna's POV -

I felt really scared, actually to be honest I didn't know how I felt. I just stood in the corner of Storm's living room holding my sore arms until Abbey came trotting down the stairs.

"Luna? What's wrong?.. Did she say something?" She said as she walked over to me slowly, I looked up at her quickly and gave her an angry look.

"No, she didn't do anything" I said sharply, she looked sort of shocked. I guess I never showed my angry side towards her but the way she treated her 'best friend' really got on my nerves.

Storm entered the room with a tin of biscuits, she smiled at us. I really wanted to give her a huge cuddle and tell her everything would be okay.. But I know I couldn't.

I'm not really good at human interaction which is why my mum forced me to come here for the whole week.

Storm turned on the TV and we watched the music channel. She switched to karrang, the rock music channel.

"Hey no this is shit!" Abbey shouted, Storm glared at her.

"No it's not, it's better than crappy pop music" I said, Storm laughed at my answer and Abbey sulked. I realised that me and Storm have a lot in common.. But I still don't know the reasons for the marks on her arms.

- Storms POV -

I feel sorry for Luna, she is stuck living with Abbey for a whole week? They must be really good friends.

"Where's the rest of your family?" Abbey said looking over at me.

"Dad's at work, mums shopping and Rachel's out with friends, as usual" I said turning back to the tv.

"She has more friends than you and she's 13" Abbey said while almost pissing herself, it wasn't even that funny. Luna stared at her and rolled her eyes.

I really do feel sorry for this girl.

"So, what age are you Storm?" Luna asked politely.

"I'm 16, and you?"

"Oh wow. You're so tiny to be 16! But in a good way I mean.." She said nervously, I laughed.

"I know I'm small, everyone tells me that I'm used to it" I said with a smile.

"Oh I'm 15 by the way" She said shortly after.

"Well we best be on our way!" Abbey shouted while grabbing Luna by the arm to drag her out of my house. Luna screamed and pulled away, she sounded like she was in pain.. Abbey looked back at her in concern, I looked down at her pulling her sleeves down and the tears forming in her eyes, I felt a panic attack coming..

She ran through my living room, through the kitchen and out the back door, Abbey ran after her but she was too fast.

"What did I do wrong?" She shouted back at me, I breathed slowly and shrugged my shoulders.

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