Not the baby brother you made me to be - PART 1

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"Ace you... you dared to disobey god, " she said though her sobbing and disbelief.

"I knew Genneve, I-I will be punished. I hav-"

"No Ace you won't be punished you will be killed! You don't understand, God isn't sunshine and happiness, he is ruthless and does not have a tolerance for any kind of disobedience!.. And I will not let you die."

"No Genneve! Let me out! Let me go, it's mine to take on! Gen!"

Screaming, blood corralling and-

I woke up in a pool of my own sweat, panting.

"Bad dream-"

"You're not supposed to be here Grail."

"I-I know that. Usually I come at night and check on you, if you're asleep you can't tell me to go away. Seemed like you've been having nightmares for a while now just not like this. Smaller."

"Shut up and leave, " I said harshly still laying on the couch not bothering to look at him.

"You realize it's 1 in the morning Ace?"

"Good so my brother and his feathery soldiers have a less likelihood of seeing and catching you. Now, leave."

"Je, I love you too Ace."


Now I was standing facing him, my body tensed as I stared at him. I could see tears well in his eyes as he looked down and with nothing else he crawled out of my house and was off. The sky outside was a powdery black with red tint.

I rubbed my face and flicked my candles on, making my eyes flinch. I let myself fall back onto my couch and curled my feet under my legs taking them off the cold ground.

"I'm sorry Gen... if you saw me now, saw what I made myself you would have let me die. Why didn't you just let me die, why did you have to take the blame? It was for me to take Gen! Not you! And it's my fault! Why would you do that Gen, I know Daydric is just waiting to kill me and he should, I'm not the baby brother you made me to be."

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