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Night fell and the white of heaven became a soft gray. There was no angels, noise, or movement. I got up off the somewhat hard floor and threw myself against the glowing fortress wall. I hit the translucent golden forcefield with all the strength I could, it repelled me making me hit the wall parallel from it and fall to the floor.

"Son of a bitch, why the hell would you do that?! Are you trying to get us all caught?!" I voice harshly whispered from outside of the box.

"Who's there, more coward angels I assume I mean that's why you're hiding right. Don't worry I can't get out that was unbearingly painful, so buzz off would ya? I mean I don't have long to live so I'd like as little cotton ball embodiments around me as possible. Do I need to say please?"

"Stop your whining mate, you ain't dieing, that is if you shut up a damn second while I try to break the toughest sell in all heaven. You must of royle pissed some angles off."


"You're slow to things ain't yah. I am going to break you out, so shut up and quietly wake up your boy there," he said slowly.

"And how do I know that you're not leading us to an early death?"

"You don't, but I wouldn't call what you two are doing here life so?"

"Alright fine, but when I see you I'm not taking my eyes off you."


I creep over to Grail and softly pat his shoulder making him jump awake.

"What the heaven Ace," he said panting.

"You are an odd one love, c'mon stand up I'll help you. We're leaving." I said softly chuckling.

"And here I thought you would need an electric drill right by his head to wake him up," said the voice from outside of the box, "and... got it!"

We watched as the glowing box melted away, then two men walked up to us. One had a navy styled haircut, the sides going into a fade that lead to short spiked hair on the top of his head. He had a slight blond one o'clock shadow and green sapphire eyes. He was short, maybe five feet and wreaked of cinnamon vanilla scent. The other had slightly longer hair, no fade but still spiked. He was about my hight perhaps a few inches taller. He had dark olivey skin and light brown eyes.

"I'm Nikle, this it Elend," the short one said with a soft smile as I glared at him.

"This is Ace-"

"Grail," I scolded.

"They helped us Ace, at least we can acquaint ourselves," he said in a harsh tone.

"Yahhah and why exactly would two pillow fillers help us of all people?"

"Because of the very fact that we are two angels," Elend cut in, "two angels that need to hightail it out of heaven before we're caught."

"You're kidding?!" I exclaimed.

"Demons ain't the only ones with feelings you know, anyway the only reason you two are out is we need help... neither of us, well neither of us-"

"Come on kid spit it out, neither of you?" I pushed.

"Neither of us have been to limbo, ever."

"Wow so that means you, you both are-"

"Yah, you done or you gonna laugh."

"I-I'm not laughing," I said trying to cover my smile.

"Ace," Grail scolded.

"Jesus christ," Elend said rolling his eyes, "it will be fine you say, there like us you say, they'll understand you say."

"I thought they would, I was hoping that they wouldn't just be what everyone wanted them to be given the situation. I see I was wrong though, enjoy freedom jackass you're welcome."

"Ok ok Mr. pure in every way. I'll stop honest."

"That was a very contradicting so forgive me if I don't believe a word you say," Nickle said sourly.

"Ok coin man I'm through got it, we will help you two. Anyway there is no other option for you anyway. Trust me limbo for first timers is more confusing than waking up in heaven after dying."

He mumbled under his breath and turns to me, but quickly Elend cuts in. Elend put his hand on Nikles chest as if to hold him back and steps in front of him.

"You betray us, I burn you myself."

Elend's face grow cold and dark, eye's cold and empty.

"Ok. You have me and Grail's work. Honest no sarcasm."

"Good to know you have some decency."

"A very slight bit, don't get your hopes up."

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