I love you too

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We walked for what felt like days, all of it starting to really take it's tole on Grail. Everyone was tired and sore.

"How the fuck longer are we going to walk in one fucking direction?!" Nikle yelled annoyed.

"As long as we have to kid, and really I don't want to hear it from you alright. If Grail, you know the one that can barely walk with normal walking distance, can do this you can too. Gonna keep complaining?" I replied, "that's what I thought."

We droned on, the little bit of like had long past gone and the now dark was beginning to fade into a daybreak.

"Where the heaven are these stupid boundaries?" I asked groggily trying with all the strength I had left not to fall over under Grails extra weight.

"I don't know, but what I do know is we need a break, you over all Ace."

"No. I'm fine Grail, we can rest when you get past the boundaries."

"Ace if you don't rest you are going to collapse alright sit down."

"No it's to dangerous to stop, and it's not like there's anywhere to hide here love, it is all flat empty space."

"We're stopping."

With that Grail dead weighted himself leaning back onto Ace's arm and shoulder."

"Don't be a fricken child Grail please I can not deal with this right now."




I sat down grudgingly but secretly relieved. My legs pulsed with pain, my feet numbed.

Angel one and two sat down gingerly then sprawled out as they laid down. Grail managed to weasel himself up against my side. Tucking himself under my arm and awkwardly putting his head under my arm and onto my chest. I hugged him as laid down keeping him close to me.

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me you know that?"

Grail sat up slightly, holding up the under half of his body just enough to look me in the eyes.

"You've never said anything like that to me before," he said.

His eyes were slightly and his smile softly grow.

"I know, I should more."

He chuckled and laid back on me, giving me a warm gentle hug.

"I love you Ace," he mumbled.

"I- I love you too."

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