Just the begaining

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We made it to the little valley of flowers that I created off of Grail's dream and found Nikel and Eland already there.

"Sorry we're late."

"You're the grooms it doesn't start without you so therefore you're not late."

I nodded and me and grail stood facing each other and Eland grabbed a bundle of note cards from the ground.

"Before we begin, Nikle make yourself known as the overseer of this marriage."

Nikle then awkwardly waved to the three of us making us all laugh.

"Very good. Now I believe that everything has a time and a place, and I can not think of a better time or place to marry such an amazing couple as you both. You two have quite literally been through hell. Risked everything just so that you could make it to this perfect moment, most would have given up before something like this even began. But somehow you two stuck it out, together, and through it you pulled me and Nikel through as well. And whether your angel, demon, or a fricken unicorn vampire, I want you guys to know we're all family. And we wish you the very best from now forward."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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