Lets play god

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"So, what, what would happen if I went through with this god thing. Cuz I don't want the people to make those religion things like they did with god. The God created all things and for that we shall be grateful and never defy him or you shall be damned crap. I don't want to be all blown out of comportion, I'm not anything special or great just a normal everyday demon, and that's all I wanna be."

"Well I don't think that's a problem considering limbo is a population of 4 total beings."

"Well, um, I was thinking, we could make people. I mean we know it's possible thanks to that mut Nikle made. So if we wanted we could make kids, little things that we get to guide through this new world we'll have. And of course they'll need friend so that they have more than our to mugs. And Nikle and Eland can do the same if they want of course. But what I want to know is if that-"



"You want kids?"

"Well um, I-I don't know. I never really thought about it until I saw the mut widdel in here you know Cuz it's never really been a possibility... maybe, yah kinda... look if uh you don't want kids th-that's fine we can just make a lot of cats you know. Be crazy cat people yah?" I rambled nervously.

"Ace," Grail said walking slowly towards me and wrapping his hands around the back of my neck, "kids sound amazing."



I chuckled surprised as my eyes filled with water.

"Ok then. Let's do it love. Let's play god."

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