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 We all kept walking none of us talking other than Elend trying, and failing, to comfort Nikle who was acting like a toddler that just got yelled at.

"Doors this way pellow stuffers," I said turning sharply swing Grail round the corner with me.

"WHAT THE HEAVEN ACE!" Grail yelled in anger and pain.

"Donno love you tell me."

"You are such a whiny needy dick you know that."

"Oh ok, I'm the dick. And I totally snuck into your saved house every night and hide like a ground hog hiding from a hawk. Oh wait no that was you, how am I whiny and needy again?"

"Shut up Ace, you put on your stupid tough guy exterior but really you're just ug!"

"Oh very specific there."

"Well you don't really make it easy Ace."

"Try me I dare you, because really I think you're just pulling on the strings in the air."

"Alright, alright fine. Let's talk about your brother and that hole relationship of family bonding you got there, and who the heaven is G-"

"Don't go there Grail, don't."

"Pulling on air huh, you see I have a theory about you Ace. You are afraid. Afraid of everything really, but most of all Ace you are afraid of feeling."

"Shut up Grail."

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