You need to play God

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Nikle practically dragged me and Grail outside, Muff happily running alongside him.

"Nikle where are we going?"

"Well before I made Muff I made a shake like thing I guess, you'll see it when we got there but anyway. I made it so that I had a place to teach you how to create. First I'll tell you the steps and then I'll make you do something to remember those then we practice."

"Ok I have no idea what-"

"You'll see in a minute," Nickle said cutting me off.

Me and Grail followed him throw the world of nothing with the strangely placed somethings scattered throughout it. Something about walking through a world of all white makes time feel, lost. Like there is no lanthe of walking, no end, not start. Just nothing. I got wrapped in this thought like it was a blanket and mindlessly continue to walk suddenly finding myself on the ground with my forehead slightly scraped.

"Ace you ok? Why didn't you stop walking?" Grail asked.

I looked up and there was a big gray building in front of me.

"I, I just wasn't paying attention I'll be fine."

Nikle helped me up not looking the slightest bit concerned and we all went inside. The inside of the building was just as dull as the outside. The whole thing was one room, the walls a dark grey brick with one big window looking out to all the nothingness of this part of the world. There was a chalk board never used on the parallel wall to the window and one piece of chock balancing on the brim of the boards outline.

"This place is sorta creepy Nikle not gonna lie," I said still sliding my eyes across the image in front of me.

"I know, but it's what we have for you to learn to create things."

"Alright let's get started, what do we do."

"No Ace I specifically mean you. Yes Grail can make things. But only after, you need to start it. Just look over here."

Nikle went over to a side of the small room looking like a dark void endless board. Immoderately there was the sound of ripping and crushing of paper. Then Nikle came out arms full of paper. He consciously walked not being able to see the floor.

"I should've made a table," he say as by laying out the papers on the ground.

There was torn pages with pictures and script yellowed with age. Notes scattered throughout the bundle of papers all connected by pins and string.

"Where did you get all this?" Grail asked glancing over the huge map of scripture.

"I went up to heaven, don't tell Eland."

"You what?!" I cut in.

"I went back t-"

"What the heaven Nikle you could have died!"

"I didn't. All of them have assumed us all dead I was a regular everyday angle and I had to. If I didn't I wouldn't have had any information and we would be trapped in nothing for eternity and go mad. I know why you ran into that wall outside, you got lose. Lost in your own damn head. Yah it happened to me too, I was lost for a week before Eland can and found me. Apparently I was just mindlessly wandering deeper into limbo and all I remember is the thought of empty plainness. So we need to to create something that doesn't look like this. Whether we go off our earth memories, hell, heaven, I don't care."

"And why do I have to do it. Why can't all of us, all of us have the ability to create."

"True but not like you, this one little room took three days. All of our dreams can into form because it didn't take effort. It was members we already knew the image, form, everything. Look, look at these papers."

"I've looked they make no sense."

"Actually look. This page right here is the start," he said pointing, "It's what we already know, God had a of a utopia. He dreamt the image of earth and willed it to be real. But the only thing that was made was the shape.Now follow the string. God then speaks light, saying"there will be light" and it appears. He then separates the light from the dark and names the light "day" and the dark "night." Most of God's creative work is done by speaking he says let there be light and there is, he makes clay people and says now you live and they do. Ace he did everything by will. Deep pure will, no one could tell him no or that is wrong. And you. Well frankly you don't take other people's crap, you do what you want, you have the strongest willpower of anyone. So you Ace need to act like God. Th-"



"I said no, n, o, no. You or Eland even can do it. I'm not. I can't."

With that I stormed out the of the stupid square room and went back in the direction we came.

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