What happend to Gen

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We kept walking as the red sky went to dark blood then to an ink black. Grail's eyes glowed their white glow, making his face partially visible. But something was wrong, it was too quiet, too dark, too easy.

"Grail, listen to me, we need to run," I whispered as quiet and unnoticeable as I could.

"What? What's wrong? You know I can't run Ace, not with my leg."

"I can carry you some but I don't know how long I can hold that up or how long we need to run. I need you to do what you can, please."

With that I saw worry rise up in his face, I knew I had made a mistake. I pretended not to notice and started booking it down the street with Grail latched to me hobbling in pain. Immediately lights flashed on and the chase began, it was the Archangels, soon they surrounded us. There was no way out, they closed us in and a face to familiar came close to us.

"Baby brother, I must say you are gutsier then I thought, I thought you would just try to kill yourself... again."

"Daydric, would say it was a pleasure but, well, I must not lie. And well big brother I am not afraid of you. And- and, I love Grail. I'm not going to let you hurt him. I love him, and, and his caringness, kind hearted lovingness that all just comes naturally to him. I love his perfect imperfections like his uneven slightly crooked smile, and yes, his little penguinish walk with the small tap of his cane followed by his feet in the morning the rare times he used to sneak in and spend the night if I let him. And I love how forgiving he is, and dammit I am lucky for it! I have put him through what hell is supposed to feel like. He's my everything and it took me a long time to realise just how important he is to me, took me longer to accept it, accept myself. And you know what big brother, Grail is more than any of you scumbag angels will ever have, more than I deserve."

Daydric's eye's filled with anger and he quickly went into a mischievous smirk. Of course I'm the only one that sees it. His evil, his hatred towards me. But I can't blame him for it, heaven I hate myself too, I take it out on Grail but it's not his fault. Deep down I know that, not really that deep. I'm a bastard.

Then he turned, and he started walking towards Grail. With every casual step he took, with his shoes tapping on the stone like ground my heart pounded harder and dropped deeper into my stomach.

That perfect little angel image son of jesus what are you doing?!

"God save it you do not touch him!"

I tried to lunged towards him but only was pinned by two other pearly whites.

He snickered at me, "well now baby brother! Look at you gettin' all tough for your freak hum?"

I wanted to yell and scream and curse at him, but Daydric's nice knights in shining armor people had my chin ground against the stone. All I could do is glance up at him with anger that I couldn't express. He laughed at my pitiful, poor-ass excuse of a state. All I could do is witness what he did the Grail.

His shoes clapped on the ground as he walked over, tip, tak, tip, tak. When Grail tried to back up he found buildings and a barricade of angels around him. Then he did it. I saw as Daydric stood in front of Grail and kicked his cane out from underneath him, he almost immediately hit the ground. After that I couldn't watch, but I could hear. Loud and clear, the swinging punches and kicks as Grail tried not to cry. Also the laughing. All the god worshiping sons of Mary were standing there laughing.

When Daydric finished he slowly walked over to me. I could see his feet before he pulled my head up by my hair making sure I was looking up at him. While still holding on to my hair he crouched down to may level, making a tighter grip.

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