Our Plan

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"Ace what do you mean I'll see?!"

"Grail please we really need to get going. Help me find a bag for some food and whatnot."

"Ace please."

"Satan Grail, we're running."


"Yes Grail, R U N ing, running."

"And where exactly to, Ace we're in hell. The only other place to 'run' is heaven and we'd be more screwed there then here. And talk about being a sore thumb up there with our charcoal hair and ash colored skin compared to their bleach hair and creamy with skin."

"Not heaven limbo."


"Not heaven, limbo. You know the place we all go to make human souls at some point in our everlasting undead lives. The whole reason we are forbid to be together and any two angles as well. Sorta ironic huh? Running to the place that reminds all of how terrifying and bad to of the same species being together is."


"Do you have any other ideas cuz I don't other then sitting like ducks here waiting for Daydric to come ring your neck and rip me a new one!"

"So we're going to sit in limbo til someone finds us, brings us to your brother, then the same thing will happen!"

"No Grail there would be no point in that. We're going to go past the breaches."

Grail bursted into a nervous laugh, "again no. Past the breaches. Ace, no we don't know what that is or what it will do. It's forbidden for a reason, to keep us safe."

"No Grail it's forbidden because of fear and loss of control-"

"Maybe but also because no one knows what's out there. It's a suicide mission Ace!"

"So is staying here Grail! And I'd rather maybe die then absolutely die and at least the possibility would be at my own hands, not my brothers. And at one point limbo was forbidden altogether because God didn't plan for there to be a space between the grate pearly gaits and the pits of hell but it morphed there because too magical creations of that mass and strength can't be stacked on each other because they would act like a universal battery like the last attempt. But this time instead of creating things it would destroy everything."

Grail was quiet and didn't look at Ace. He softly passed in the living room with his free hand covering his mouth.

"Ok... ok we'll go. I'd rather die with you then without," he finally said.

"Ok, lets pack up."

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