Down the rabit hole to limbo

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 "Both of you need to shut up you two are gonna wake up all the damn angels up here!" Elend whispered harshly.

"Whatever, I'm done talking to him anyway, let's blow this feather post. Here hold him would ya."

I flung Grail forward as Nikle turned around just barely catching him and covering his mouth before you could blow up on me. I knelt down carefully and slowly, tapping the ground with my knuckles.

"This is the place gentleman, now gimme a sec and we'll be jumping down the rabbit hole in no time."

I ran my nails round a small unnoticeable grooving in the ground then stood up and stomped on an edge with all the strength I could muster. A round sewer cover like platform popped out of the ground missing my nose by an inch.

"Come on then, cripples first."

Nikle walked over to the gaping hole slowly and adeing Grail into the hole.

"Kape I'll go next to make sure this childish man dosn't hurt himself more than he is then I don't care who goes next. Don't worry I'll catch you when you're coming down, just give it like ten seconds or we'll all just fall on top of each other, I mean awkward and not to mention painful ok."

With that I crawled into the hole with Grail.

"Deus," I said and the solid hole opened and me and Grail started drifting down.

"You probably scared them straight Ace, way to be a jackass."

"It's what I do best you k-

"It's what you used to do best Ace, I though you changed."

"And you haven't let it go."


"You haven't let who I am- was, I don't know but you haven't let it go!"

"How have I not quote on quote let it go?"

"You were- are mad about it. At least I think you're mad about it given when I went to check on you that's the first thing you went to. The you don't have a right to tell me what to do and whatever else you mentioned."

"Oh Satan Ace I'm not mad about who you used to be, I forgave you even before you changed expecting you did-"

"I have, I really am trying Grail."

"Ok when I have forgave you regardless. I wasn't mad cuz of that, I was made because well mostly we were in god saved heaven and then you pick me up and was like hey look angels we're gonna ally with them now without any thought to how I may not be ok with that. And wait for you comments cuz I have another topic I need to cover. We need to talk cuz most of the reason that you were who you were back in hell was because you didn't let anything out emotionally and your emotional side turned into your physical side. So Ace you need to learn to talk to me about whatever the heaven is going on, about Daydric about whoever he keeps bringing up, Gen? Gen?"

"Genneve, it's Genneve."

"How is?"

"My sister Grail. Happy now ok good cuz I re-"

"You never told me you have a sister."

"Had, I had a sister, but really Grail this dosn't end good so I'd prefer not to conversate my angel time."

"Your angel time?"

"Son of Marry! Yes my angel time ok, I was a saved pillow stuffer angel and I disobeyed god and it ended in Genneve dieing cuz she took my crimb happy know Grail know all you need to frucking know?!"

"Wait Ace how did you, how were you and now your a-"

"Grail I can't do this with you! I can't do this with anyone, I can't go through and tell you everything there is to know about me and all my screwed problems and pasts!"

"Ace I was an angel to."


"I was one too, you always said I never cut it out as a demon and it's because I wasn't supposed to be one. I chose to, well sorta took a leap of faith actually."

"What do you mean?"

"When I died and went to heaven it was not good, I mean better than hell but all the views and actions were twisted. I mean me still being fresh, it looked like demon work like bible crap ya know. With time I eventually realised that's just how heaven is but I still didn't agree with it, I tried so hard to see the good in it but there was none. And then I heard the stories, about a hundred years before me there was an angel, they clipped their wings and jumped from heaven the reasons of why well everyone had theories but what stayed the same in all the stories was he jumped and then was saved by an archangel but when he was back to heaven his skin turned gray and hair black, he was a demon. So I started a bar fight, eventually any angel who was even remotely near joined in most likely not knowing what on or how this started. And while everyone was in a rally and distracted I when behind the counter and tour my wings from myself, I know if I cut them then it wouldn't look like someone else had done it. Then after I was done I propped myself on a wall, both wings in different spots and yelled painfully and loud. Every single angel there stopped and turned, there was silence while I lay there crying. Everyone accusing the other of who done it, none knowing it was just me, within a few moments I was changed. The only thing that took a while was for my back to heal."

Grail lifted his shirt and I slowly turned him in the zero gravity like force. There was two reddend dark scars that stood out against his gray hasiy skin.Then I turned him back around and I just hugged him.

"I'm sorry."

"For what, it was my choice you did-"

"Don't you get it Grail, I was the angel, the archangel my brother. I'm the reason you fell."

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