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Eventually the pinkish light of morning came streaming into my den and I flicked my eyes open and rocked myself back off the couch. The stone ground felt colder than it was those some odd hours ago as I walked to my kitchen. There was nothing there really, I had a jar of old oatmeal and two tea bags lingering on my counter.

"Grail must of tried to eat that oatmeal," I said smirking to myself, "wonder if he realized how old it is."

I grabbed the jar and throw it away thinking that I don't want anything that Grail even touched and sat back down.

"So let's see here, I can sit here and starve and hopefully be the first demon to die of human causes. Go outside and risk being spotted by that sweet brother of mine or that fuel Grail but if I go out I can get food."

I glared unsatisfied with my options as I felt my hunger grow.


I got off the couch and got dressed in whatever I picked up off the floor. The cobble roads outside my house where more or less empty with only one or two people dragging themselves down it.

"Bless me now," I grumbled.

I slipped through the alleyways and shadows staying as much out of sight as possible. There isn't a way in heaven that I'm being trailed by any of that damn Angel Army or more well known as The Archangel League Force. They're here to make sure all is in line by dear old God's ruling. They're also the ones that can burn me to a pile of ash if they have probable cause to beam me up, and let's be real, they always find probable cause. And all on the stance of demons lie and angels are always right because they're so perfect and we aren't. Oh don't you just hate being put into a fucking box where everyone is like, oh, you're a demon so you have to be this way. Haven't ever met you, heaven, I don't even know your damn name but I see how you look and your ethnicity so you're automatically this. Yeah me too.

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