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I hobbled the rest of the way home realizing all too late that I probably twisted an ankle.

"That son of marry good for nothing good too shoes Daydric. Thinks he can threaten me through Grail. Woaw he really doesn't know me if he things I didn't expect that... GOD SAVE IT GRAIL GET THE HEAVEN OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

All was silent and still, but I knew he was there. I could feel him.

"Fine then die, see if I care."

Your brother I see?

"Get out of my head, I know you're here so stop being such an angel and come out here and face me!"

Nope, sorry. You're gonna have to deal with thought line for the time.

"Fine be a stupid little cowa-"

Stop! Just stop Ace. Why whenever you're mad or hurt you come charging at me?!

"Maybe because it's true ever thinka that love ever think I really do hate you and want to to leave me the heaven alone! Or are you really as dumb as they all say. I mean really at that point I think it passes dumb really. Sadly I don't think a word for that exists, guess there's never been someone as so godly retarded before."

Anything else you want to throw at me while you're at it.

I stayed quiet for a second and just listened, waiting.

Well you can't be waiting for an invitation I just gave you that.

"Shut up."

Why so you can oh so carefully consider and choose what weapon to use on me.

"Oh no, I can do that easy Love. But it's much better in person."

With that I darted to one of the many deep dark crevices of my oh so beautiful home and clawed my hand out. With that I found Grail's frail silky tie as his fancy dressing coat lingers around my knuckles. That was all I needed to tug him forward causing him to tumble down to the floor him trying to avoid knocking me down.

"Oh dressed up all nice, for me? You shouldn't have!"

He sat up but didn't bother to stand up. He looked appsolutely humiliated, as a kid does when they regret something.

"Well," he asked, "go ahead, have your fun."

"No, no not now, not when you want me to. That's not how this works. Up, come to the dining room I'll get you food you miserable... thing. I don't even know what to call you, you're not a man, too timid but too grown to be a boy. You're a nothing, fit with no one. Heaven you can't even be a demon correctly, you're too nice, vulnerable, weak. You wouldn't be able to be an angel for the same safed reasons. So you truly and wholly are nothing."

"Done yet?" he was quiet and soft spoken.

"Let me remind you of some very important facts Grail, you're the one that keeps coming back okay?! You do this to yourself, and your the one still sitting there. I told you t-"

"Yes yes of course you were going to wait to do this for later but what does it matter if it happens now or late Ace?! It has the same effect there is no difference! And yes I keep coming back because I love you god save it and I knew that somehow in some way you are hurt right now and you don't want me to know! Because ya know what Ace, somehow in some way you love me too and you care so much about people not seeing you showing any emotion and with me it gets even worse. And I know something's wrong cuz you tend to hurt me more. Even if you don't like it Ace I knew you."

"Heh, heh, you don't know the least bit about me. You haven't even scratched the surface kid. Sure ok I don't show emotion who says I know emotion though. And I am not hurt, I'm not hurt you're hurt. You're hurt that I reject you cuz deep down you know that I don't give a ounce about you."

"Our link begs to differ. You know as well as I do that the link between us isn't a turn on and off thing. It's a bond Ace, and the only way those ever form is if the feeling is mutual and true."

"You don't know anything, shut up."



Finally Grail fell completely silent and Ace stormed into his kitchen.

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