Past the breaches

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We were all woke up by the sound of chatter and footprints. We were not alone. All of us scrambled to our feet as quiet as we could but it was no use. There ten feet forward stood my brother and his fellow stuffers.

"Ah little brother of mine you didn't think it would be that easy now did you? You really underestimate my intelligence."

"Bull, you were in my head earlier you must of read the saved plan, god fucking save it!"

"Language brother wouldn't want to upset the people who helped you out, Nikle and Elend couldn't burn without proof of your disobedience but you two oh so willingly gave that to us."

"All I have to say to you big brother is, I hope your fast."

With that I grabbed Grail and through him forward while I ran in the same direction, getting up to him and picking him up and putting him over my shoulder.

"Are they following?!" I shouted at him.

"Of course there fucking following Ace why the heaven wouldn't they be?!"

"Not them, them. Nikle and Elend."

"Oh yes, there slowly falling behind though, Ace I don't know if they'll make it."

"They'll make it god save it. It would be over my burned body that all of us not make it over that fucking breach."

The bright light of nothing lied in view.

"Alright Grail, cripples first. And uh just know I really do love you ok? Just do that one thing for me, I know- I know I don't deserve it after, after everything. But please ok, I've loved you since I met you. Just took me a while, to long of a while to figure it out," my voice broke with every word.

My throat hurt trying to choke back my tears and awkward breathing. Grail was saying something but I couldn't hear what, whether it's because I didn't want to or his head was to far from my ear I don't know.

Then when I was maybe a foot away from the breach I through Grail through, seeing him engulfed by light before turning back and running over to Nickel and Elend finger tips away from being snatched. I grabbed both there arms and dragged to the breaches.

"Alright boys, let's hope I didn't just kill my boyfriend."

Going into the light it was blinding and hot and cold all at once. My body collapsed and suddenly light whent to pitch black. 

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