All that matters

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 We laid there calmly and quietly.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"I don't know I've never been I've this situation before."

"Oh you mean the feeling of actual safety and not having angels threatening you, yah me neither, it's weird. You know it feels like you can breath now but you've never been able to before and it's just too much and you're just choking on the new oxygen."

"It is sad how much I can relate to that."

We both chuckle.

"Hey Grail?"

"Huh," he hummed softly curling his arms around me and laying on my chest.

"Nothing, never mind."

I was going to ask him if we could leave the barn, for it makes me feel uncomfortable thinking of my father and brother. And of Gen... But he's so comfortable and, peaceful, here.

"What is it Ace?"

"I told you nothing."

"Well I don't accept that answer so what were you gonna say?"

"Just that I love you"

He laughed, "lier."

"True it wasn't what I was going to say but not true that it is false."

"Your not gonna tell me are you?"


"Jerk," he played.

He layed back down and I ran my fingers through his soft black hair avoiding the barn and things around me focusing only on him.

I can do this. All that matters is him.

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