💚Morning of💚

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"Good morning my love," I said turning my head to look at Grail.

"Good morning."

"Today's the day, get out now or forever you shall be stuck with me."

"Mmm, I'll test my luck."

"Suit yourself."

"I will."

I leaned in and kissed him before rolling myself out of bed.

"Where you going?"

"To get ready."

"It's not till two it's only twelve."

"Me and you switch roles a lot love but when it comes to getting ready I am definitely the woman. I take longer than you, other then maybe showers but that can be debated."

Grail started to laugh only pausing to talk before breaking out again, "I can't believe you just said that."

"Only the truth love, only the truth."

With that I walked out of the room and into the bathroom to shower.

When I got out Grail was making pancakes and humming a made up toon.

"So I'm guessing I'll have to brush my teeth again hmm."

"Well you don't have too, it's only pancakes."

"Mm is that so?"

"Mmhm, now go set table and we'll eat. Then we can get dressed."

"So I'm supposed to eat pancakes in a towel?"

"Well you can't eat them in your tux."

I rolled my yous and grabbed two forces and butter knives along with the syrup and set it all on the table as Grail placed the plaits with two huge pancakes down.

We sat and ate our breakfast, quickly, both from nerves and excitement for what would occur in the next hour. When we finished we through our plaits in the sink and went to the room to get dressed.

Undershirt, button up, pants, tuck in the shirts before sipping up and buckling my belt, tie, jacket, sh- what is this?

"Hey Grail what's this thing?"

Grail poked his head out of the bathroom toothbrush dangling from his mouth. He smirked and chuckled at the strange oval shaped fabric dangling from my hand. He was mostly dressed. He had his pants, shoes, shirts. All the needed was to button up and grab his jacket and tie.

"It's a comberbun love," he relpyed before spitting and walking in the room.

"A what?"

"Comberbun, it goes around your waste. Here let me help."

He walked over and took the comber whatever from my hands and put it where my shirt met my pants.

"Well that looks stupid. Why do we need it?"

"I don't know it's just a part of the suit."

"Then it's stupid. I don't like it. It makes me look fat," I said glaring at my reflection.

"Ace nothing could ever make you look fat. But you don't have to wear it, you look beautiful either way."

"Mmm I don't like it. How do I get it off?"

I fumbled with the back latch of the useless fabric. Whenever I felt like it was coming loose it would slip and latch right back. Grail laughed at this with great amusement before stepping over and taking it off.

"Thank you."

"Is this why you take longer to get ready then I do?"

"Haha very funny love."

"You love me."

"Yes I don't and never forget it."

I leaned in and kissed him before we both finished up getting ready and headed out. 

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